Factory Entertainment Agent Sidearm replica (J2 or J gun))

I have polished u a few crickets for members here and have a request to do one of the J2 elites. With permission, I will post an before and after shot with the J2 elite polished to a chrome like shine. Should be a quick turn around and I am really looking to see how well the aluminum takes to a full shine.
I'm no aluminium expert, but could this "coating" on the EE's be from the aluminum being anodized? If so, it might be wise to keep the anodized coating in tact since its purpose is corrosion and wear resistance. Any abrasive polishing/buffing would get rid of it and leave the aluminum metal bare and more vulnerable to corrosion. If anything, I'll just stick to some Flitz polish to give a nice shine and protection when necessary. Can anyone confirm what coating is on the EE's, if they've been anodized, or what that stuff peeling off in those pictures is?
It looks like they used a common plastic coating spray to keep the surface shiny. The same spray is used for geology etchings. I have used the stuff after etching meteorites for the Widmanstatten pattern on the metal.
Polishing it to a chrome like shine helps hold off the oxidation and using a jewelers cloth applies a thin layer of wax on the surface to seal the surface. With repeated handling, it is good to use the polishing cloth to eliminated the acidic materials from your hands and again protect the surface with the polish. Of all the noisy crickets I have done, I have not seen the shine dissipate over the years I have had them on display, so I think in actuality you will have a much better protected surface although you loose the dullness of the current finish and have it looking more like the LR edition piece.
For you guys messing with the aluminum finish on your MIB guns READ!!
Been reading thru this thread and I noticed some of you trying to polish this thing with several makers of aluminum polish. From pastes to liquids.....my advice is DON'T!! If you have a need to remove some oxidation off the gun or polish it then try what I use for almost all aluminum that just needs a polish up or touch-up. The product is called "NEVR-DULL". You can find it in most hardware stores. Its a can full of impregnated soft cotton like wadding material that you just pull off a piece of and use it to clean up your aluminum gun. Works on most all metals and the best thing is it leaves no residue unlike the pastes and liquids you guys seem to be using!! Pastes and liquids creeps into every nook, cranny, crevice and leaves residue and over time will ruin the innards of the gun. You just polish it up with the wadding...let it dry and wipe it off. In my business of restorations I have been polishing metals for decades and If you've seen some of the items I had to restore where the owner has been rubbing it with a paste or liquid then you'd know what I was talking about. Once taken apart I have seen residues, rust and corrosion on internal parts left behind that creeped inside. Oh and by the way...the finish on the MIB LE gun is nickle..not chrome. (personally I think you guys messing with the original finish either on the LE or EE should leave the darn thing alone and be happy with what you have but I know I'm just talking into space) Try the polish I suggested, you'll like it. Below is a link to the product website.

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Just wanted to add Never Dull is some great stuff! It can be used for other things as well! It's up there with Duct tape for me!

After $671.00 some odd dollars, I'm not touching nothing on that finish! Not to mention, it helps protect it from corrosion. Sure
aluminum polish can be some great stuff, but It just doesn't seem to hold up as well. But you guys can do what you want! Not judging!:)
Its "NEVR-DULL"..the product name looks misspelled but isn't.

Ha ha! You know I have a can of it on my coffee table, and you made me look! Sure enough, that's
How it's spelled!

I've been using that stuff for years, and never really noticed!
I seem to have stumbled across a subtle issue with my J2. The trigger guard is very shaky. It makes these metallic noises every time I tilt the replica at a certain degree. Anyone have any idea for tightening it up? I was thinking about just cramming small bits of paper between the open parts later today.
Hi Jeyl,

Can you send us a video? The piece is riveted in place should not be clacking or making any noise. The trigger itself may be moving, its sprung and sometimes the captive end of the spring can knock against the inside of the body making a noise. But the trigger guard itself should not be loose. If it is we will exchange it for you. Please email support@factoryent.com

OK a quick word on polishing and other things

LE VERSION - Simply DON'T. The pieces is Chrome plated over Nickel over an Aluminum base. The base metal of the LE is the same as the EE. Then its nickle plated and then a thin layer of chromium is laid on top. This gives it a tough durable finish that should never need anything more than the odd rub down with the supplied polishing cloth. If its heavily soiled by sweat or anything else, use a damp cloth first. Don't use any polish compounds or metal cleaners, they may damage the finish. We know there are a number of products that won't but its safest to just say don't as somebody will try polishing it with wire wool and sand and then complain.

EE Version - Its supplied as raw aluminum with a protective coating. The factory describe it as a wax based clear coat, but what specific product it is we don't know. its likely a factory proprietary thing. This is only a surface coating and it is to protect the parts as they are manufactured, handled and assembled and to try to prevent some oxidization. Its impossible to prevent oxidation unless you seal it in a vacuum or completely coat all the metal with something impermeable. If you want a totally screen accurate look don't do anything to the piece. over time it will dull and develop a patina, each one will be unique, and that's exactly how the props look today. When they were delivered to the set they were buffed and highly polished. So you can polish it, and several posts suggest good options. The depth of shine you get will depend on how hard/long you polish. But note if you do any polishing you invalidate the warranty as this is considered an aftermarket mod. We have to do this as we have not tested the methods and what if anything they may do to the product over time. We are not trying to be D***S, but we can't warranty anything we have not tested ourselves. We can tell you these pieces behave weirdly... we have two samples here, both have been equally handled and used and are kept in the same place, one is oxidized a lot and has taken on an almost blue grey look, the other looks the same as did the day it arrived... go figure! We should also point out that we made the LE shiny and chromed to look like the prop when it was first made and stay that way. If you want to make an EE look chromed and shiny by polishing it will require a lot of elbow grease and some regular maintenance. We would love to see the different results and choices people make, it will make each piece unique in its own regard, but remember the warranty element. These are not delicate, they are solid metal, but if you try and polish it, mess it up and then contact us to claim its faulty, well we may not be able to help you.

Hopefully .. that answers all the points on polishing... phew...., so on the Cricket do people prefer Chromed or Raw Aluminum? We have made no decision yet but to be honest the logistics of offering two different finishes and the confusion its caused in some circles is a bit of a nightmare so we are starting to think about the Cricket carefully.
I like the "do nothing" advice. Really plays to my laziness. How long are these actually covered by warranty?

In regards to the cricket, it doesn't worry me either way (much like these ones, I got the EE simply because it was likely to come with a sig not because I preferred the finish). Good luck with making everyone else happy with those ones though..,.
I don't even know what I would want for the cricket. On one hand, it is a smaller piece with smaller details, this might make it more difficult to keep polished. On the other hand, I would like if it matched the EE J2.

I guess overall, you may have to make it chrome just to match the LE's considering more people purchased those.

Actually, I think raw would be nice. If you guys get around to a MiB 1 neuralyzer, then they could all match as raw aluminum.
I'm all for screen accurate here. I think the cricket in the movie was raw aluminum as well but not 100% sure. As benhs1898 mentioned, if there were a MIB1 neuralyzer, I would buy it in a heartbeat and would love an all raw aluminum set!
so on the Cricket do people prefer Chromed or Raw Aluminum? We have made no decision yet but to be honest the logistics of offering two different finishes and the confusion its caused in some circles is a bit of a nightmare so we are starting to think about the Cricket carefully.

I say make it as close to the original screen prop as possible.........I've seen time and time again on this forum you will not please 100% of everyone here. Theres always the ones that want to change something on their expensive prop purchase and nothing ever seems to satisfy them. A good example is when the District 9 Arc Generator was released by Weta. Some guys were repainting them, weathering them more and even cutting them open and modding them....made me cringe but go figure and to each his own.
My position on the subject has been and always will be "leave them the hell alone!!" ...these are expensive licensed limited edition collectibles. Screwing with them devalues them....PERIOD! This is just how I feel having dealt with all types of collectibles most of my life.....not everyone will agree with me.
Hi Jeyl,

Can you send us a video? The piece is riveted in place should not be clacking or making any noise. The trigger itself may be moving, its sprung and sometimes the captive end of the spring can knock against the inside of the body making a noise. But the trigger guard itself should not be loose. If it is we will exchange it for you. Please email support@factoryent.com


Here is the video. What do you guys think?
so on the Cricket do people prefer Chromed or Raw Aluminum? We have made no decision yet but to be honest the logistics of offering two different finishes and the confusion its caused in some circles is a bit of a nightmare so we are starting to think about the Cricket carefully.

On another note. I have both the Icons and Unobtainium versions. The Unobtainium Cricket, which I've had for many many years, is raw aluminum and still has its original shine. Ive left it alone and when handled I simply wipe off my fingerprints before setting it back on the shelf.
Email sent... that's 100% not right and we will happily replace it. We stand by our products 100% and the person who inspected and passed that is going to get it inserted somewhere painful!
Guys I have a suggest that might either slow down or stop altogether the oxidation process of your raw aluminum EE Guns. You might look into a product called " Silica Gel - Hydrosorbent 40 Gram Canister". Leave it inside your display case, it will absorb all moisture and can be reactivated and reused almost forever. I use these to keep my coin collection from oxidizing but they have many uses. Below is a pic of it.

Another thing I do to help keep aluminum from oxidizing is get a can of clear carnuba wax and buff a VERY tiny amount on the gun. Just enough to coat it then wipe it clean. The gun already has a coating of this but if some of you insist and just can't leave it alone...try it.


  • Hydrosorbant 40 Gram Caniaster.jpg
    Hydrosorbant 40 Gram Caniaster.jpg
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Hopefully .. that answers all the points on polishing... phew...., so on the Cricket do people prefer Chromed or Raw Aluminum? We have made no decision yet but to be honest the logistics of offering two different finishes and the confusion its caused in some circles is a bit of a nightmare so we are starting to think about the Cricket carefully.

Well... It was a very hard decision for me to decide between the LE and EE... so much so that I ended up getting both. :lol And now that I own them both, I can honestly say that... the decision is just as hard to decide which finish I like more! At this point in time I just can't pick, I suppose I would need more time with my EE, but even then I don't see myself one picking one over the other.. They are both just great. If the EE starts to turn blue and seriously dull out then I suppose that would change my mind. The bad thing about you having offered both finishes is that everyone is probably in love with whichever finish they have, and/or they want to own the other one as well! :lol

As for the logistics and confusion caused by the two different finishes... I would assume/hope that a second run of both would be much less confusion and perhaps logistics issues since people will have learned the differences and know what to expect by then.

I know that I had said I hoped for only one version of the cricket... but owning both finishes, I'm back where I started in not being able to choose... I can't help but want them both! BUT... If i HAVE to pick one...here is my choice: High Polished Aluminum Elite Edition Noisy Cricket with Will Smith Signature Plaque. :cool
(As in.. at least as polished at the front end of the barrel on the EE.))

...and that's my final decision... I think...
Argh that would be an insanely awesome piece to add to the collection A. I'd snap that up in a heartbeat. I am eagerly awaiting FE's next MIB announcement.....please, please take my money :-D
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