Factory Entertainment Agent Sidearm replica (J2 or J gun))


I've noticed around the handle area that there is some substance that appears to be 'peeling' off the metal. Is this normal?

Yeah, mine has something similar that I just noticed. Has anyone used the Novus #2 on the gun yet? There's an awful lot of surface area to cover on the J2.
received my elite friday morning, awesome piece of kit.

cant wait for the next installment.

cheers FE. great help, great customer service.
Finished buffing and polishing mine today, looks much better.


I do agree that it sucks that there isn't an official spot for the sig plaque, so I just carefully placed both laying against the stand. The cover doesn't press against the plaques, but you have to place it down carefully as not to knock the plaques around. I suppose you could tape them againse the black lip of the case, but I didn't feel like doing that just yet.


The plaques look like they're the same size, what are their dimensions? Thanks.
i have to admit, those elite versions look very sweet.

can someone who is more well-versed on the screen-used prop tell me if the entire pistol was aluminum or was the tip chromed and the body aluminum or was it resin coated with some kind of plating?
The originals were all machined aluminum. From the look of the surviving props, the barrels were left shiny while the body underwent some dulling so the camera and crew would not appear in the reflection.

The buff and polish technique looks great! I might have to do that to mine. Any suggestions for coating these to preserve the look though?
Off amazon. It will tarnish /oxidize more with the outer coating gone though. I'm going to try some flitz polish on mine to protect the finish.
Going at it with a polishing of wheel on a Dremel and Novus # 2, you can get it to a virtual mirror finish. A final light buff with a soft cloth and the polish can make it incredible. With such a polished sheen, it will not dull quickly at all. You can then use a jewelers cloth to polish out any fingerprints or such to keep the finish perfect. I have done many Noisy Crickets for members here and they look incredible with the finish buffed out.
If there are scratches, I will sand down the area using a 800 grit to 1000 grit sandpaper, and then follow up with 1500 to 2000 grit wet sanding. After that, I hit it with the Novus #2 polish using a Dremel wheel and then finally buff it lightly again with the Novus # 2 and soft cloth. Its a pretty messy process, you will blacken quite a few rags doing so. Finally, I will use a Jewelers cloth. That is all I use. Mainly it is a bunch of tedious polishing, to get a mirror finish, in a bad case, it usually can take up to 4 hours of work and then the light polishing which I do while watching show or movie on television. It is basically just time consuming and making sure the surface is clean and flat with the polishing but you can literally produce a mirror finish by doing so.
I need to find a friend with some polishing tools. I'm doing this by hand, and man, is it time consuming (and hard on the fingers, too). I've got half the barrel tip done and only a small portion of the body. Whatever clear coat they put on the piece is hard to get off by hand. :cry
Just got my J2 LE pistol. It's a thing of beauty, with a great feel. Even the stand is nice and substantial.

The top-mounted red LED doesn't quite project the full circle of light as seen in the unboxing video, but it's acceptable.
The trigger has a nice, firm pull, unlike the unboxing video where it looked and sounded a little clacky.
Buyers with small hands may find the grip will take getting used to. (My fingers are a little short and the trigger is just at the limit of my first index finger joint!)

I received No 43 of 1,000 according to the plaque, even though the packing box says No 43 of 500!

Tom Vargas, director of sales, helped out on devising a payment plan for me on this and it worked out great. Very nice to deal with, and excellent communication.

Love it!

J2 lights resize.jpg
Just got my J2 LE pistol. It's a thing of beauty, with a great feel. Even the stand is nice and substantial.

The top-mounted red LED doesn't quite project the full circle of light as seen in the unboxing video, but it's acceptable.
The trigger has a nice, firm pull, unlike the unboxing video where it looked and sounded a little clacky.
Buyers with small hands may find the grip will take getting used to. (My fingers are a little short and the trigger is just at the limit of my first index finger joint!)

I received No 43 of 1,000 according to the plaque, even though the packing box says No 43 of 500!

Tom Vargas, director of sales, helped out on devising a payment plan for me on this and it worked out great. Very nice to deal with, and excellent communication.

Love it!

View attachment 180889

Great picture Sliuman! Congratz on the excellent piece.
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