Factory Entertainment Agent Sidearm replica (J2 or J gun))

Im gonna guess $400-500.. Its been noted many times including by Rick the original maker of the MIB props, that the neuralyzer was by far the hardest prop to make.. So the J2 should be much easier to make which should reduce production cost a bit from the neuralyzer or balance it out considering the larger mass. I think I read somewhere also that the J2 had less pieces than the neuralyzer.
So... was anyone able to get any info from CC?

I got to hold the sucker at the convention personally. The man who was in charge was so happy that I had purchased the "signature" edition of the Golden Gun that he lead me behind their table, took the J2 out of the case and let me play around with it.


It was like nothing else. The electronics were very functional, the weight is spot on, and the best part wasn't even shown in the video. The battery placement is a work of art in and of itself. Beneath the grip is a piece of metal that sticks out. You pop it out, slide it back and out comes the battery clip. It's like a real clip!

Thanks to the Facotry Entertainment individual (Who also told me he worked at Master Replicas) for the privilege of letting me handle the prototype.
I got to hold the sucker at the convention personally. The man who was in charge was so happy that I had purchased the "signature" edition of the Golden Gun that he lead me behind their table, took the J2 out of the case and let me play around with it.


It was like nothing else. The electronics were very functional, the weight is spot on, and the best part wasn't even shown in the video. The battery placement is a work of art in and of itself. Beneath the grip is a piece of metal that sticks out. You pop it out, slide it back and out comes the battery clip. It's like a real clip!

Thanks to the Facotry Entertainment individual (Who also told me he worked at Master Replicas) for the privilege of letting me handle the prototype.

Sounds awesome!
Did you forget to ask about the PRICE in all that excitement? :lol

Of course not. I just figured that since there was no price on the display and that he was being very generous to let me to fiddle around with the replica, I thought that asking him something he couldn't give me a proper answer to wouldn't be the appropriate thing to do. From a seller's perspective, you're setting yourself up for a trap if you were to give a potential buyer a price that may not be able to stick with.

All I cared about at that moment was the replica. Price only matters when I actually want to buy it.
wow. prop etiquette to the extreme.

if somebody has something to sell, even if it is a prototype, i do not find it vulgar to ask about the price. but hey, that's me.

perhaps FE will chime in and kindly suggest when the item MIGHT be available for preorder and a best guess at cost, even if such a guess were a range (i.e. $000 to $000)

but my repeated inquiries have become tiresome even to ME, so here is the IMAGINED REALITY i have created:

prop will cost $450 to $600. it will be available for preorder late august/early sept. it will ship in nov/dec.

i will also go as far to say that the SOUNDS it makes will be based on MIB2 and not first movie...i'm no expert on sounds this prop made, but recall someone here was and questioned this facet of the protoype.

let's see how close i get.
This replica irritates me, The original didn't have one chromed piece on it!!! That very fact alone has lost my interest and business. I've waited all these years for a nice replica and when one finally makes it to the market its horribly off :/
This replica irritates me, The original didn't have one chromed piece on it!!! That very fact alone has lost my interest and business. I've waited all these years for a nice replica and when one finally makes it to the market its horribly off :/

The replica is not chromed, it is highly polished metal, exactly like the original. The same finish as our Neuralyzer replica.

What finish would you prefer? The original props are now 15 years old so the no longer have the same luster they had when they were new. But we are trying to create a screen accurate replica not a replica of the props as they appear today. We are also trying to create a replica that will hold its look for many years and is durable for display. Nobody wants a replica that looks good initially but quickly tarnishes and dulls.

Additionally this piece is only a 1st prototype, it is not final product. We are not 100% happy with it yet and are making some small revisions, the plating/surface included.
wow. prop etiquette to the extreme.

if somebody has something to sell, even if it is a prototype, i do not find it vulgar to ask about the price. but hey, that's me.

perhaps FE will chime in and kindly suggest when the item MIGHT be available for preorder and a best guess at cost, even if such a guess were a range (i.e. $000 to $000)

but my repeated inquiries have become tiresome even to ME, so here is the IMAGINED REALITY i have created:

prop will cost $450 to $600. it will be available for preorder late august/early sept. it will ship in nov/dec.

i will also go as far to say that the SOUNDS it makes will be based on MIB2 and not first movie...i'm no expert on sounds this prop made, but recall someone here was and questioned this facet of the protoype.

let's see how close i get.

Well your imagination is pretty good... you have exactly the same thoughts as us! The avails are exactly where we are planning and the price is spot on $450 to $600. The reason we have no announced anything yet formally is there are still many things in flux that can affect this, licensor approvals, production, quality inspection etc. So right now today we cannot speak with any certainty.

We have a a company policy of not giving dates or pricing until they are 100% confirmed.

If we issue a date it means we either have the item in our warehouse or its on the water on its way to us. This avoids breaking promises and disappointment something sadly which can be inherent with manufactured goods. We know its annoying but its the safest way. A common scenario is this... a factory gives a date, works like hell to hit it and then 2 days before the date advises they need 3 more weeks, a month, or more. Another scenario is that all the product is complete and ready to ship and our 3rd party inspectors find a small issue that needs to be addressed (we inspect 100% of all replica items) . There are literally 100's of things and cannot be identified until they arise that can cause delays. so we always err on the side of caution.

Same thing on price. Extra tweaks or small revisions affect the cost. If we have to pay for expedited transport that affects the cost. After testing if we find an issue that affects the cost, etc etc.

We hope to announce pre-order information very soon... just bear with us a little longer
You just made me more confused. The neuralizer is chrome plated brass isn't it? If not i am confused as to why some of the neuralizers have brass showing through at the lever area.

I hope the same issue of having brass show through doesn't pop up with the J2. I'm with bowelrock, do it accurate and don't worry about having to polish it once in a while. I would rather have a prop i can handle all the time that requires nothing more than a polishing rag to get looking spiffy than have a chrome plated item like the neuralizer i am affraid to touch too much for fear of messing up some coating that is non repairable once worn. The neuralizer is nice but the scratches that happen to the side of it everytime it pops up are permanent and will continue untill the finish is worn off. If it was aluminum it could be polished out with a little Mothers. That being said we know you will just do plated monkey metal anyways.
FE I have a question about the J2 replica... Did you use the sounds from an MIB II gun? or from the first MIB movie?

I ask because after listening closely and watching the scenes again... It sounds more like the double barrel 2002 standard issue gun used in MIB II rather than the MIB1 J2.
The scenes I'm referring to is J2 scene with Jeebs in MIB I vs the 2002 std issue in MIB 2 when K uses it at the end of the movie to shoot Serleena's "tentacles" off of J.

Apologies for the delay in replying to this Comic Con literally beat us over the head and left us for dead this year :)

The sounds are direct lifts from the 5 channel audio used in MIB 1. In investigating this replica we found that the audio used for the sidearm is not consistent, it varies through the scenes and the films. This is not uncommon as different scenes often require different audio to fit correctly. We used the audio patterns from the Jeebs pawn shop scene as our base for the replica as there is not one single consistent pattern to match. Some of what appears to be audio from the gun in that scene is actually background sound effects and/or incidental music.
You just made me more confused. The neuralizer is chrome plated brass isn't it? If not i am confused as to why some of the neuralizers have brass showing through at the lever area.

I hope the same issue of having brass show through doesn't pop up with the J2. I'm with bowelrock, do it accurate and don't worry about having to polish it once in a while. I would rather have a prop i can handle all the time that requires nothing more than a polishing rag to get looking spiffy than have a chrome plated item like the neuralizer i am affraid to touch too much for fear of messing up some coating that is non repairable once worn. The neuralizer is nice but the scratches that happen to the side of it everytime it pops up are permanent and will continue untill the finish is worn off. If it was aluminum it could be polished out with a little Mothers. That being said we know you will just do plated monkey metal anyways.

Well its the same 'look' but not the same material. The J-Gun replica will look cosmetically like the Neuralyzer surface but it is not made the same way and is not being chromium plated. Nor is brass being used in the J-Gun replica body in any way.

Trying not to be too technical; the neuralyzer surface coating is dictated largely by function, the pieces move against each other and so tolerances and fit between components is key for that piece. The J-Gun replica does not have these same issues so the construction and surface finishes are entirely different.

For the neuralyzer after the pieces are 'chromed' they are buffed on a polishing wheel. we have had one reported case of a neuralyzer with the base brass showing through and having inspected it, it was likely caused by over zealous application of the wheel at this stage, or more likely was a bad plate job (where the plate did nit flow and or adhere correctly in that area) to begin with.

The chrome plate used on the neuralyzer is pretty durable. You would have to polish pretty hard with an abrasive cleaner to actually polish it off or polish it down to the base metal. The best cleaner for Chrome is soap and water but the electronic nature of the neuralyzer makes this impossible. You can use chrome cleaners with a cloth but be VERY careful not to get any of the electronics wet or damp in any way. As ZombieKiller says the best cleaner for a neuralyzer is a dry polishing cloth after each handling. Neuraylzers should not be scratching on the side when they pop up unless dirt or foreign contaminant is trapped in there or its not working correctly? The metal parts should only be in contact with the ABS parts and any contact marks they might leave should polish out without issue.

The J-Gun replica will have some solid components that are highly polished metal, others will be plated and then polished. But the overall cosmetic look will be the same, a bright shiny surface. Accurate to the film.

Our concern from the OP is that a different type of surface is preferred. We have handled the original props a lot, actually we were in the Sony archive just yesterday. We can tell you that all the original MIB prop guns are looking pretty sorry for themselves now, they now have a flat and dull finish that almost looks like a brushed effect or a zinc/anodized finish. This is due to age and tarnish and there is not really anything anybody can do about it without potentially damaging them. This aging is not causing damage to the props, but it is affecting their cosmetic appearance.

Typically the biggest problem with any shiny metallic surface that is likley to be handled is greasy fingerprints showing up, these are best wiped off with a clean dry polishing cloth after each handling.

Our question for RPF readers is; do people prefer a screen accurate shiny 'chrome' look on the J-Gun or do they prefer an aged or more dull look?

Interested to learn peoples opinions.....
Factory Entertainment...you guys ROCK!!!

Really looking forward to this piece.

It's funny how this prop has become known as the J2. An industry friend of mine who worked on MiB I & II said it was always referred to as the "Standard Issue" or "K Gun." Hopefully he'll chime in here. There was only one publicity photo showing Will Smith holding the gun with a caption that read "J2." Maybe this is where it came from. Agent J never even held the gun in the film. I'm hoping the plaques for this replica list it as the "Standard Issue" and not the J2.

Also, Rick (original prop maker) released a pick of the Standard Issue showing "green" LEDs in the barrel. Most of the original props from the film I've seen up close always have green LEDs. Even the Noisy Cricket. Is this going to be changed from the white LEDs in the prototype?
Factory Entertainment...you guys ROCK!!!

Really looking forward to this piece.

It's funny how this prop has become known as the J2. An industry friend of mine who worked on MiB I & II said it was always referred to as the "Standard Issue" or "K Gun." Hopefully he'll chime in here. There was only one publicity photo showing Will Smith holding the gun with a caption that read "J2." Maybe this is where it came from. Agent J never even held the gun in the film. I'm hoping the plaques for this replica list it as the "Standard Issue" and not the J2.

Also, Rick (original prop maker) released a pick of the Standard Issue showing "green" LEDs in the barrel. Most of the original props from the film I've seen up close always have green LEDs. Even the Noisy Cricket. Is this going to be changed from the white LEDs in the prototype?

We also want to know where the term J2 or J-Gun comes from, we even asked the production team and they don't know. Its official name is the Agent Sidearm -Standard Issue. Over to RPF readers... please solve this mystery for us....if we can we will print the actual reason in the prop story booklet that accompanies the replicas as people NEED to know :)

The LED's in our J2 replica barrel are blue, not white, they flash through a white diffuser screen to hide them from sight. This is intended to match the blue'ish firing effects added in post. None of the surviving props that we have examined have any illumination inside the barrel, it may of course have been removed or adapted at some point? It was our understanding that all firing effects (barrel flashes) were added in post production and did not come from the props themselves. Several of the J2's were wired to fire blanks/squibs to give it a convincing recoil and to give the VFX artists something to key to. (Sadly before anybody asks our replica won't fire anything) .Never heard or seen anything about green barrel illumination. Our replica does have both red and green LED's on the side that work in conjunction with the selector switch... but green inside the barrel, tell us more?
You just made me more confused. The neuralizer is chrome plated brass isn't it? If not i am confused as to why some of the neuralizers have brass showing through at the lever area.

I hope the same issue of having brass show through doesn't pop up with the J2. I'm with bowelrock, do it accurate and don't worry about having to polish it once in a while. I would rather have a prop i can handle all the time that requires nothing more than a polishing rag to get looking spiffy than have a chrome plated item like the neuralizer i am affraid to touch too much for fear of messing up some coating that is non repairable once worn. The neuralizer is nice but the scratches that happen to the side of it everytime it pops up are permanent and will continue untill the finish is worn off. If it was aluminum it could be polished out with a little Mothers. That being said we know you will just do plated monkey metal anyways.

What are you smoking? A chrome plated gun isn't going to have any problem unless you are skipping it off a concrete floor. If you did that, you'd have screwed up a metal polished replica any way. You just leave that metal prop with no plating and it'll tarnish and turn ugly in a year's time. Who the HELL would want that?

FE, don't listen to these guys, chrome plate it. If you can post some pics of how bad the unchromed metal tarnishing looks just to get such a bad idea put to rest.
This is my neuralizer after being opened 6 times. I refuse to open close it anymore without holding the clip open. If this were aluminum i could polish it out in a minute. You wouldn't have to slide it across concrete to mess up the chrome, if you stick in your pocket a few times and it will get scratches. Just because you don't care if it is accurate doesn't mean we who do shouldn't be heard. Listen to yourself. Your saying don't listen to the guys looking for ultimate accuracy.


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