Ewok Movie Crystal Oscillator part identification help


New Member
Hi RPF, I hope I can get some help identifying some of the parts on the Crystal oscillator prop from the 2nd Ewok movie. Most details are easily identifiable as recycled parts from ROTJ bunker mines. But a few pieces are not clearly seen in the film. Any ideas on what these could be would be greatly appreciated. My best guess is pieces of a model car undercarriage from a plastic kit. This is an odd prop, but the Ewok movie on VHS was my first Star Wars experience, so it holds a special place in my heart. I would love to bring this piece of my childhood to life.
Power crystal oscillator.jpg
The whole thing reminds me of a vintage thermos, and the lower left pic looks like a bracket where a handle was. Some thermos's had a handle that was like a strap that could expand or flatten out, like a faux leather construction. Maybe they ripped the handle off, and that's just the remaining bracket piece? Good luck with this!