Engraving or scultping words into a prop sculpt?


Sr Member
Hey, so, I need to enhance a prop, I'm making, with tiny, engraved words. The way I would do it is by using a thin styrene plastruct sheet and cutting the words with an X-acto knife. Because there words will be tiny, the idea of squeezing an x-acto pen and cutting tiny extra pieces, like the little triangle that goes suspended, inside an "A," makes me reconcider other options, if any.

Do they sell anything that could help for these? Like, they have stores that sell stuff for drafters and maquete builders. Do they have anything for this?
you can have a rubber stamp made & embed it in your piece, I've done that on a couple pieces.
Depending on material, you could call a local trophy shop and see if they have a laser engraver. If you can do the input yourself, it wouldn't cost too much, but the results are stellar.