Emails I've recived from Videobob

To clarify - I'm the one who uploaded that Video to facebook. Robert sent the video to me right before a Delorean event in Houston a few years ago. Within a day of my posting it - Robert convinced Facebook to remove it on the grounds that "I was harassing him". I kid you not.

I've gotten untold number of e-mails from him over the years (nearly 10 years now) with veiled threats, not so veiled threats and even statements that I should just kill myself. Personally, I just ignore him these days.

Trying to do anything substantial in regards to the guy is just a waste or personal time and resources which could be better spent with my family or working on projects. The way I see it, he will do a fine enough job of making an arse of himself without any help from me. For example... the recent events at the Dallas Scifi Expo and his video "ambush" of my BTTF DeLorean.

This thread is another fine example :)


I won't go as far as filming myself peeing on a photo of a member here in the toilet (yes, he uploaded that to youtube), but I'll be darned if I won't point out this guy's warped character as I please.
I got the OK from Art before posting so long as I stuck to the facts. I was going to post in Off Topic but I looked around and saw that most recasting posts were in the prop forum so I located it here instead. That said, I am not opposed to mods moving it if they feel the need.

I don't have access to the Off Topic forum, so I'm glad it was posted here.
Honestly, the reason I like to buy fan-built prop stuff is because they care about their art, the accuracy, and they love the same thing I do. This guy is someone I wouldn't want to give my business to, so I'm glad that I got to see the thread.

It's not like TC said anything about him at all. He outed himself entirely and repeatedly.
I guess as someone pretty new to this community, this stuff leaves a very bad impression of it on me.

Back to just hiding the thread with my script...
Since this thread has to do about props, I feel it is in the right place. The OP has only posted actual emails and has not been name bashing or injecting personal opinions so I fail to see anything unprofessional about it. Thank you ThrowingChicken for posting this here where we could see it. It is very appreciated.
I guess as someone pretty new to this community, this stuff leaves a very bad impression of it on me.

I don't think it should at all. But that's that way I would personally see it of course.

As I said before, a bad apple's ongoing modus oparandi is once again brought to light. The more people know why they should avoid him, the better. Again, just my opinion.

I won't say that this is not the Hello Kitty / Magic Pony forums and we are a little 'tougher' than that .... because its not true.

Things are worse there :lol

To clarify - I'm the one who uploaded that Video to facebook. Robert sent the video to me right before a Delorean event in Houston a few years ago. Within a day of my posting it - Robert convinced Facebook to remove it on the grounds that "I was harassing him". I kid you not.

My bad Gary. I just remember seeing it :lol

I wanted to point out the fact of what he did, more than it being uploaded.

In a weird way, thanks for sharing that at the time :lol

Otherwise few would have believed what an utter psycho this guy is.

As you say, this thread is another fine example and I say it once again, the more newcomers know about this guy, the better.
I caught him recasting Gary Weavers flux boxes years ago and dropped Gary a line...within minutes I recieved a an email from bob calling me several unpleasant names...and then say "Yeah they're recasts but who cares...I would have some them to you cheaper, you idiot!" So no...he dosen't recast.
Before that I accidentally bought wire trunk boxes from him on ebay ( not knowing it was him)...he pulled a bait and switch and the fittings in the prop were no where near the correct size, they were shipped with the plutonium gauges I bought...and one of the lights didn't work.
I always laugh when someone talks about "all the money" they will be taking in because they got one license. Historically, has anyone ever gotten "rich" making any prop replicas? Nope. In fact every company that has tried has eventually gone out of business.

I think the term "blowhard" can be successfully plastered here.
I can't find his video "ambush" of your DeLorean anywhere. Do you know if he's put it up on the web?

I believe it was changed over to a private video a few days ago that would require a log-in from the video owner. It was discussed in the other Videobob thread here on the RPF.

Since he was banned before I first came here, I don't have enough background informations to judge him. I just know: a few weeks ago he bought my "Tales from Space" comic on eBay and I asked myself why a known recaster doesn't just download my PDF in the BTTF paper prop thread for free and print the comic himself?! I'm sure, though he's banned, it's easy for him to get access to all the sections of the forum, even the paper props.

I had that happen to me during my first months here at the forums. A member if the RPF contacted me and told me about a user on eBay who appeared to be selling paper props that had been available here at the paper prop forum. He was selling my "Terminator" wanted poster. He replaced the images with two others, but the text and the layout was the same. Of course, I had placed the same images up on DeviantArt, so it's hard to say if he got it from ere or there (if he got it from here, it was before the Admins set the restrictions on the forum for paper props).
Thanks TC for posting those. It was funny to hear his brand of persuasion and charm that is only secreted by the VB. He is a class act. His many many exploits from his porn video to his fake as they come debut on auction kings are well noted and laughed at by many. He has been around for sooo long starting with his "business" practices in the DeLorean community. Maybe there should be a support group for the people VB as recast. Gary would be able to head it up as a few different things have been recast from him. TC, I would love to hear more about your encounters.
My encounters, up until now, haven't been much different than most people's here. I was merely an observer, occasionally bearing witness to Bob spread falsities about other well respected members of the prop community.
Being new to the hobby, I had no idea who video bob was until I saw this thread. Thanks TC for posting this and making me aware, he is on my list now :). I bought my 1st replica prop a few days ago (waiting is killing me :D) off ebay, but I fed 3 user names through the RPF search and found two sellers were known recasters. I'm glad people here make other hobbyists/professionals aware of the scammers out there, it saved me $ and head/heart ache.
I dealt with him once. An item I bought he classed as he best replica flux capacitor out there. Well after 4 weeks of waiting for it to be posted Iade my own from scratch built parts. The only thing I took a mold of was 2 pipes to finish mine. Lets just say the way his was built and painted was poor. Ill post the pics later of his so called accurate version as he has so many contacts at universal vs my effort which was done from google imagery and the dvd

I sold my video bob one as soon as it arrived I thought it was so poorly put together for the price I paid
Bobs flux with all the access he required vs my flux purely fom google and the dvd

Bobs box on the left mine on the right, note bobs cheap ass wiring solution

Bobs left, mine right, looks ok here right, well lets inspect the details

Mine top, bobs bottom, seems ok right, well lets delve deeper

Bobs resin cast parts.....he had access to original parts to copy from so why are the crap in finish, cold cast resin stains, colour was patchy, rod isnt inserted straight into the clear cast tube

My cast. Torr relay base was scratch built from a bit of pipe and filler, some welding bits to add details

Bobs glueing, all over the place, bits do not point in a nice triangle to each other and glue leaks everywhere

My effort via google and the dvd

Bobs awful drilling and bonding, note the yellow colour of the clear resin

My effort

Bobs internals, not how none of it sits on the same angle or level, note the eneven drilling, e uneven placement of the rods

My effort

Bob doesnt bother to remove sticky labels from stahlins box before he paints them

Bobs cannon casting, this was how it came primer and painted in hammerite spray at a guess, lots of fish eye so the resinn wasnt scrubbed

I took a cast of that part and painted it after priming and you can see my effort at the top, bobs at the bottom

Sorry bob but for the money i paid i expected flawless modelmaking, theres no excuse for a poor finish if your the professional most accurate maker you keep implying.....the flux i built was my first ever built replica so bob has no excuse on that one, especially seeing as i couldnt locate the majority of parts in the uk without the 25 years passing affecting parts....... In the time bob posted it i did in fact give up waiting for the parcel, i could never get a tracking or proof of postage from him. Fearing id lost the money i built my own in a week. Majority scratch built.
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I am glad that you guys are posting this here, I just recently started following RPF and this is a great thing to watch out for, so thank you.
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