Emails I've recived from Videobob

It was indeed a joke. :) Not a native english speaker myself, but that's indeed what I meant, yes.

But it's a shame, whatever the name you choose for it, that you have been recast also.

My paper props are usually free, 'cause giving it away creates friends, who tend to be a lot more easy going and helpful in the future then customers (when you decide to sell your props) who tend to be demanding in multiple ways. Just my thoughts. :)

Same goes. I've only made a couple paper props but I've made them available to anyone who wants them, cause' I think that's a good way to build some rapport with folks...not to mention, it's just a nice way to behave. :)

Still, it sucks that some unscrupulous individuals take advantage of the hard work that folks put into their work & copy/sell it with no benefit going to the person who created the replica in the first place...
there is so much in there that from a legal stand point (at least here in the UK) that he could be pulled on. AND lets talk threats. his original email sounds like a thug extorting money from a shop keeper, threats of recasting. also, does he think we're all dumb and forgetful regarding recasting and his days with Delorean clubs etc? the guy is clearly a feckin toad, and has obvious mental health issues and delussions of grandure to just rock up and verbally attack someone like this. i mean seriously, how BIG does he think his **** pot little company is?

this guys boils my **** really, he is trying this all over as well. not just here, but on other forums. recently he's tried it on The Robocop Archieve as well.
I like the way he name drops Sony throughout. It's just soooo cool. It's really great. What a guy!

Well really? ...WOW. That guy seems like a dick. I have no idea who he is or what he's done but the whole "sound" of the letter comes across as being a dick.

Sounds like a comic store owner I used to know though. Talked himself up and dashed everything anyone else came up with that clashed with his thinking.
My question is, "Why would Sony give a toy or prop replica license to a mom and pop shop like Bobs, when they have companies like Mattel that already have that license AND can keep production costs down?"

Hmmmm. I think someone needs to check back in with their therapist.
@ Throwing Chicken: Get ready to be recast... :confused

When he say, he won't, it sounds like he already does it...

Really, he has a cool workshop, there are a lot of cool cars around his parking lot... And when he talks, it always sounds like he is the right man to do things right and offers great service, because he's a good buddy and just wants that you're satisfied...

But what does it help, if he's still an a**h***?!?

It's going on for years now... First with BTTF, now with GB, who knows whats his next project including stupid e-mails, recasting and being an idiot again, again and again....
Well working with cars (weather they are movie cars or not), that's gonna bite him in the ass real easy! It's a very risky business, that can take a lot of money, very quickly!

Also, can you post all his different Ebay I.D.'s, if you know them? Gotta keep an eye out for this guy, and any recast item's he's trying to sell.


For the sake of full disclosure, I will come clean on one thing I did recast.
I did recast my bumper, but only partially.
I cut it into 3 pieces and removed about an inch or more out of it, then I sanded down the edges
and shortened it so it would fit my shell properly.
By the time I was done with it, there was little of the original left. It was more of template than anything.

Sounds like he is trying to justify it to himself, or hope that people read it and go Oh.. That's all. That's fine by me! Nope. Videobob didn't modify it much at all.

Here is a topic with comparison shots:

All he did was trim the height. He didn't modify anything else.


Videobob's eBay account for selling is "tcbtexas" and his buying account is "rcmsales".

He keeps the two separate as he seems to get a new eBay account every 2 years or so. I'm sure he bought the cover from Roland using the rcmsales account, and will be selling reprints using the tcbtexas account.

Many GB people have been caught in that trap... most have tcbtexas blocked, but not rcmsales.
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He's selling the comic for long time now...

It could be that he uses your comic now, but before it looks like he just put a sci-fi comic inside or used a bad quality copy...
I'll go out on a limb and say in general this kind of stuff (I mean the whole posting of the emails, trashing someone, etc.) is not something I come here to read nor want to read. Yes the guy's a jerk, but really this whole thread has a certain lack of professionalism. I really wish it was in some "Off Topic" forum or somewhere other than here.
I'll go out on a limb and say in general this kind of stuff (I mean the whole posting of the emails, trashing someone, etc.) is not something I come here to read nor want to read. Yes the guy's a jerk, but really this whole thread has a certain lack of professionalism. I really wish it was in some "Off Topic" forum or somewhere other than here.

The problem is that this is RELEVANT to prop making and recasting. Maybe it's not the best to trash the guy, but the recasting part, the "threats" and the fact that he may end up recasting the OP's work anyway is totally something that needs to be addressed.
The problem is that this is RELEVANT to prop making and recasting. Maybe it's not the best to trash the guy, but the recasting part, the "threats" and the fact that he may end up recasting the OP's work anyway is totally something that needs to be addressed.

Sure - address it. But stick it in a forum centered around those interested in commercial things. And be professional about it.
I'll go out on a limb and say in general this kind of stuff (I mean the whole posting of the emails, trashing someone, etc.) is not something I come here to read nor want to read. Yes the guy's a jerk, but really this whole thread has a certain lack of professionalism. I really wish it was in some "Off Topic" forum or somewhere other than here.

I got the OK from Art before posting so long as I stuck to the facts. I was going to post in Off Topic but I looked around and saw that most recasting posts were in the prop forum so I located it here instead. That said, I am not opposed to mods moving it if they feel the need.
My question is, "Why would Sony give a toy or prop replica license to a mom and pop shop like Bobs, when they have companies like Mattel that already have that license AND can keep production costs down?"

Hmmmm. I think someone needs to check back in with their therapist.

I have the same questions. ...and a few more.

I admit that I know little of Videobob, or ghost busters forum, for that matter. He says that he is in negotiations with Sony? Yet, he talks (types) as though he has a completed deal. He speak of "Million customers," "making 1,000s of $ each month", he "Pays out $5,000 a month to 4 full time employees, and 2 part time employees"? In addition to himself, that's 7 employes, making $5K/mo = $714/mo/employee.

That doesn't sound like a lot to me. How many people are going to buy proton pack shells? How many are going to buy full Proton Packs? Can you produce them cheaper than Mattel and still make a proffit? Or do you do this just because you love the movie so much?

It just sounds like another fan, whose reach is beyond his grasp.

Although, if I am wrong, and he produces a carbon fiber Proton Pack, with working electronics at a cheap price, I plan to buy one.
Sure - address it. But stick it in a forum centered around those interested in commercial things. And be professional about it.

I'm a hobbyist, not a professional (neither is bob BTW :lol)

The guy has proven himself for years on end as an ******.

The main forum is the correct place for this thread.

The more newcomers to this hobby know what he is like, the better for the hobby in general.

I won't go as far as filming myself peeing on a photo of a member here in the toilet (yes, he uploaded that to youtube), but I'll be darned if I won't point out this guy's warped character as I please.
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