Emails I've recived from Videobob

I have heard about VB before, but never to the point of hating him or anything. I had no reason too. In the end every one is entitled to their opinion...

... Until I bought one of his supposed "screen used" proton pack shells on ebay. (it came with a print out certificate of authenticity signed by him. Funny stuff!)
Now I had a real opinion of my own.

The damn shell came with defects galore and above all that, it was cracked and broken in areas. Hell, i figured one simple e-mail and he'll have this all fixed. A couple of days later, he replies with ideas as to how "I" can fix it myself! Then said he knew it was broken, which is why he added a few bonus pieces? (Which were cheap resin recasts of elbow parts for the pack that I already had the real deal in hand.

In short, he sold me crap, he didn't make any efforts in replacing it, and since it was obvious that he won't do anything about it, it took me over two weeks to repair the shell to where i could safely build the pack. He's a nice and informative guy when your interested in "his" products. Until he gets paid, then he gives you what ever is in hand (quality or promise not included), and runs the other way.

For the short time I've been buying and making my own props, I've been screwed in every direction at least one time.
I think I'd like to make a flux capacitor now... There is a silver lining for you!
Any good tutorials out there?

Why bother when there's Bob's Prop Shop? Lol

You'll need a stahlin fiberglass windowed enclosure in battleship grey. There are cheaper places to get the enclosure and you DIY it into what you need.
You can get castings or real deal relays. Real relays these days are just too expensive. You can fashion your own relays out of some acrylic for a basic replica, but knowing your abilities you could make a buck of one, clear cast it with wire in it. I can hook you up with the spark plug tops. I made castings of the correct looking ones, all you'll need to do is a little cleanup and paint. The diffusers can be cut out of acrylic block tapered on the ends. Paint the sides and wella, those are done. The relay coils are straight forward for you. You can bend some pipe straps for the brackets on the relay coils. The light chasing pattern is up to you. People have done it different ways and speed is your preference. Lights in the corners for 88mph. Dymo labels on the face and some cannon or amphernol elbows on the top and side. That's the basic rundown. I'll help you with whatever I can TC.
I have heard about VB before, but never to the point of hating him or anything. I had no reason too. In the end every one is entitled to their opinion...

... Until I bought one of his supposed "screen used" proton pack shells on ebay. (it came with a print out certificate of authenticity signed by him. Funny stuff!)
Now I had a real opinion of my own.

The damn shell came with defects galore and above all that, it was cracked and broken in areas. Hell, i figured one simple e-mail and he'll have this all fixed. A couple of days later, he replies with ideas as to how "I" can fix it myself! Then said he knew it was broken, which is why he added a few bonus pieces? (Which were cheap resin recasts of elbow parts for the pack that I already had the real deal in hand.

In short, he sold me crap, he didn't make any efforts in replacing it, and since it was obvious that he won't do anything about it, it took me over two weeks to repair the shell to where i could safely build the pack. He's a nice and informative guy when your interested in "his" products. Until he gets paid, then he gives you what ever is in hand (quality or promise not included), and runs the other way.

For the short time I've been buying and making my own props, I've been screwed in every direction at least one time.

Yea, that's how I have heard he conducts his business. I heard he did the same thing with a time machine conversion. It was having problems and his response was it was there problem now. If I'm correct he isn't a client of Kevin Pike anymore either.
I've never met the dude. I know he started stalking Gary Weaver at the comic con. Gary is a pretty "in the middle" kind of guy, I don't see how someone can hate him, or **** him off, or take his knowledge and abuse it.

But of all the stories I have heard of this dude, it sounds like he just needs an old fashioned azz whipping.

I have respect for confidence, and knowing what you are capable of, but apparently this dude is unapologetic when it comes to him being a douscher, and I have ZERO respect for that.
Although, if I am wrong, and he produces a carbon fiber Proton Pack, with working electronics at a cheap price, I plan to buy one.

Well, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but real Carbon Fiber is EXPENSIVE. You're looking at $50 just for an iPhone case made of carbon fiber. A proton pack shell? Just the cost to make it, before any profit, would probably cost more than a fully assembled pack with lights and sound. Therefore, I'm calling VideoBob's claim to be able to do this just more BS.
Videobob gets way too much attention. Sadly, none if it really does any good towards hurting his sales, especially since his recast shells are really the only ones being produced that wont take year to get. Its stuff like this that makes me wonder if the reason GB related build threads rarely ever pop up anymore is because people are hiding what they purchase to avoid confrontation and slander. Its killing the community on all sides.

With all due respect. I think ThrowingChicken should've just deleted the first email, blocked it, then left it at that instead of "kicking the hornets nest". No point in giving him more attention unless a recast offense has taken place. VB obviously knows now all his emails are going to be posted and thats not stopping him. He likes the drama. Its about attention. Just dont give it to him, and be careful who you sell to

Just my 2 cents.
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He didn't kick the hornets nest. He ignored him and even that still makes him retort. If this was some isolated incident with someone who just popped up then yes, emails would not need to be posted. They still don't "need" to be posted but the fact that he makes his life so public means he shouldn't have anything to hide. How else do we educate the public about him and what he is doing? Without showing people his true colors the public will just think we are being critical or upset over a bad deal with him and are being mean. It goes way beyond that. You have not known him or of him as long as a lot of us. His plans are to be the top dawg and shut everyone who doesn't now down to him down. If you don't care or dont want to know these things then dont open the thread. It's titled very appropriately to tell you what's inside.
This dude needs a serious Kick in the Rare hes freaking disgusting. This dude sounds like a ferengi unfortunate part is greedy punks like him are everywhere.

We the community must stand our grounds!. Good on you mate for staying ur grounds strong.

P.s - people who have deals with studios, do not beg, threat, give ultimatums they create their own issh.
I saw him recently, maybe 3 months ago or so at a stop light.

He was driving a convertible car, an older 60s or 70s model, a fixer-upper with body filler and primer all over it. It kinda looked like the Ghostbusters car but a convertable one.

We had both exited Danieldale off HW67, I turned right and he was headed back over the highway to go north to his shop I assume.
Just a little observation. If he has a big contract and all these resources why is he so desperate to strike a deal for Throwing Chickens wands. Surely he has the money and talent to do it himself if he's that awesome. I mean to me multiple emails about how good it would be for you to sell him your throwers start to sound a little desperate. If he's so great, make it your damn self. I find it hard to believe Sony's got a contract with this knob.
Funny, he says the only thing he's recast is a gb bumper, but he modified it first.
I almost bought flux boxes from him, not knowing it was him...then I found out he was the seller. Well Gary Weaver had just started offering I looked at both and sure enough...he recast Gary's boxes. So I bought them from Gary, then told him Bob was selling recasts gave him the link.
Bob emails me not 5 minutes later calling me every name he could think of.
Then calls me stupid because he was going to offer me a discount at check he was gonna save me some money...also said how his castings were superior to Gary's. Dude you got caught, you got called out...sit down. This guy has done more damage then good to the Bttf trying to sell his car on pawn stars..."it's worth $80!" and they wouldn't offer him 10K
Now I don't believe anything I see on t.v. The whole show is fake....but why would you de-value your "business", your car, and every other replica out there just so you could get your ugly mug on t.v... great job buddy.
He bought one of my BTTF plutonium canisters last year, when I say bought - I mean he complained to Paypal and threatened to give me negative feedback in order to get it for free. It was such a negative experience coupled with a separate incident with someone else, it almost pushed me out of props altogether.

He has a world of bad karma coming to him.
He bought one of my BTTF plutonium canisters last year, when I say bought - I mean he complained to Paypal and threatened to give me negative feedback in order to get it for free.
Do you mind telling how?
And you can block him from any of your auctions so he cannot bid.
I stopped selling props on ebay altogether after that, so no worries there.

It involved the 21 day hold. I'll be damned if I'm going to spend out of pocket to mail merchandise to a customer before I've seen a cent. So I waited the 21 days (telling him why) when the money cleared, I mailed it. 1 day later I got an email from ebay saying he filed a complaint, and that to avoid receiving negative feedback I should settle the case. The only choice I was given (via a terrible online process) was to give him a complete refund.

I now refuse to use ebay for selling props.
Hi ive just been doing some work for video bob since he said he will do a trade in parts if i modeld him some stuff for his proton packs without reading this thread what do you guys think of this stuff

Hi ive just been doing some work for video bob since he said he will do a trade in parts if i modeld him some stuff for his proton packs without reading this thread what do you guys think of this stuff

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Don't do business with him, period. Not only are the chances high that you're going to get screwed over, any parts you do get are going to be crap or crap recasts. And beyond that, being seen as a "partner" with him will only have deleterious effects on your reputation.

And to the topic of the thread, instead of recasting TC, his patsys (and banned members Thiago/Raine) made their own terrible wand kit. If you want to get a good laugh, check it out on eBay. It's pretty bad, even more so when compared to a TC kit.
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