EFX X Wing Arrival, Thoughts & Pictures

Hi Kurt!

Remember, you reviewed a pre-production piece. We tried to take into account and address many of your issues and concerns (along with other people's). Frank got a production version.



I do remember Bryan. :D And thank you again for allowing me to do a review. :D

That stated.... and viewing the final result.... you guys did a GREAT job with the final release! I am very impressed! (y)love:thumbsup
I don't do anything in this hobby for a return :)

I am in this hobby for the pleasure of it and to try to make things as accurate as possible.

So to me it isn't obvious why :lol

Cheers Chris

I don't think that's what he meant. The phrase means that after a certain point, the more work you put into something makes less and less difference to the overall effect.
I don't do anything in this hobby for a return :)
I am in this hobby for the pleasure of it and to try to make things as accurate s possible.
So to me it isn't obvious why :lol
Cheers Chris

"In economics, diminishing returns (also called diminishing marginal returns) refers to how the marginal contribution of a factor of production usually decreases as more of the factor is used. According to this relationship, in a production system with fixed and variable inputs (say factory size and labor), beyond some point, each additional unit of the variable input yields smaller and smaller increases in output. Conversely, producing one more unit of output costs more and more in variable inputs.
This concept is also known as the law of diminishing marginal returns, the law of increasing relative cost, or the law of increasing opportunity cost."

Or in English, the utility gained.....is not worth the effort required.
Oh here we go :lol

Websters vs everyday vernacular :eek

In laymans terms - the point at which you should stop "whatever" because you're not ghetting bang for the buck... :thumbsup

Now realize that this point is business is a pretty straight forward calculation. In a hobby, or a "labor of love", its an entirely different point that has absolutely nothing to do with profit...

Jedi Dade
Oh here we go :lol

Websters vs everyday vernacular :eek

Nothing to do with profit? Neither does his example. How, exactly, is the precise definition as provided not directly manifested in the example we're talking about? You see a discrepancy where none exists. Maybe you just don't like people who done a lot of that book-learnin' stuff?

Here's a quick and dirty diagram of the foil trick:

Thank you, vaderdarth! A very clear and helpful tutorial. :) :thumbsup

Still standing by for delivery of my model. Supposedly it shipped several weeks ago. Perhaps it's been held up by Customs.

Can anyone tell me what shipper eFX used for international orders?
Yeah what a joke we have a case but we have to sell 100 for it to get the green light.I think Amy was smart and got out while the getting was good.
I think that's prefectly reasonable that they want at least 100 orders. Why would they even bother producing these if they can't get that many orders?

They likely have a minimal number to produce from the manufacturer to hit a certain price point.

The edition was 838 so even though I don't know one way or the other yet if I'll get one I would kind of be surprised if at least 1 in 8 people who picked an X-wing up don't want the optional case.

Personally I was hoping for less than 300 (like 299$) so I don't know if I can get on board yet.
Check out my case at post #322 here.


25" = L
22" = W

15" = H (will give the 3" clearance)

It cost me about $280 shipped from casesforcollectibles.com and works just fine.

What is your acrylic thickness?

Thanks for that info. I remembered seeing your case eariler and it's great to have a straight link to the post.

Looks like the same for me will be 240$ shipped. For me it all comes down to the shipping price from eFX and whether I think the pre-wired base is worth an extra 130$ or so.
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