EFX Mark IX Science tricorder


Master Member
Just a few quick pics, Got home for like twenty minutes and need to go out the door again for a few hours. I think everyone will be happy. I'll get vid up and more pics later tonight if nobody beats me to it. It's very heavy.


Re: eFX Gets Star Trek License

OMG, looks so good. I can't wait for mine to come. I already have a spot ready for it =)
Re: eFX Gets Star Trek License

Thanks so much for the vid! its so smooth you can almost see a reflection in the finish!
Re: eFX Gets Star Trek License

They did a great job. I closed the door a little too fast cuz I was holding the camera, if you close it a little slower the rachet sound syncs up nicely.
Re: eFX Gets Star Trek License

got my confirmation from Redford as well. I can't wait to receive mine Tuesday. Lets see pics of the display and how it looks inside the holster.
Re: eFX Gets Star Trek License

Thanks for the great pics!

Can't wait till Monday!
Re: eFX Gets Star Trek License

I thought EFX were correcting the LED diffusion that was apparently lacking in MR version? From the pictures it looks like you can still see the actual shape of the actual LEDs most apparent in the alpha, beta, gamma, delta parts of the Tricorder.
I might be wrong, and I hope I am, it's just the way it looks to me from your picturesand video. Which are great by the way, thanks for posting CessnaDriver.

I'm debating getting one, as I have the MR First Contact phaser and this would pair up nicely.
My biggest concern is cost, to get one shipped from USA would mean high shipping cost then getting stung for Import Taxes, or getting one in the UK which have so far been priced as much as £350 which is more expensive than the MR one was going to be and almost double to price if you bought it in America.
One to mull over this weekend.

I hope everyone else's turn up and you get a lot of enjoyment from them.
I think this prop needs it's own discussion and picture thread . It looks great from what i've seen so far.
I have a few questions for those who have the Rod.com and or the MR versions. Are the MR or Roddenberry tricorders's housings diecast like the EFX's appears to be? How about fit and finish? Is it as tight as the EFX version? The F+F on this thing looks outstanding. If the electronics hold up i think this is going to be the Grail of Mark IX's. How did this thing end up being $350 with Spinner's signature when Rods is $800 and MR's was close to that? EFX has just earned a faithful customer. If all their ST offerings are on this level of finish then i am going to be more broke than i am now. :thumbsup to EFX!!
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Mine does not arrive till Wednesday but having owned an MR version (which did have the die cast housing) here’s what I can note from the photos and video.

This appears to be a much cleaner, better executed version of the MR Tricorder. Fit and finish appear to be much better as well as the light issues being taken care of. From the video I can tell the ratchet sound has far better timimg than on the MR version.

From what I can see Bryan and his team took a good prop replica and turned it into an outstanding one. No regrets on parting with my MR version a while back.

Re: eFX Gets Star Trek License

Thanks C.D., for your phenomenal photos and great video!

Also – congratulations on getting it NOW, actually in your hands. This prop has been a long time coming...

Thanks again for sharing it here, it's much appreciated!

[EDIT:] I really want to complement your photography skills; LEDs can be really tricky to capture, especially when they're blinkin' and winkin'. Really nice work!

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Re: eFX Gets Star Trek License

These photos (and video!) are now sucking the life out of me! I can't wait to get mine, it looks stunning.
Edit: Thanks for uploading them Cessna. :)

Any UK/International folk had theirs shipped yet? Mine still hasn't.
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Re: eFX Gets Star Trek License

Im blown away that so many of you didnt know this thing was metal. I thought that was pretty clearly spelled out in both the MR and eFX descriptions. When I posted the review of my MR Tricorder that was one of my favorite features. When Bryan talked about better light diffusion, it was my impression that he meant on the main screen. My biggest complaint on the MR was the way they did the screen. It was basically a translucent piece of plastic, so the graphics werent so crisp, and the LEDs were set so far back that if you werent looking head on or held it at an angle the lights really didnt line up. I know that eFX made some minor improvements, but keep in mind that this product was basically finished already, so its not like they were going to reinvent the wheel. I would imagine that the most noticeable difference will be the color change. I didnt mind the color of the MR version, especially since it matched the phaser, but I am excited to see how the eFX compares. I am expecting mine tues or wed, and will do a video of the MR vs the eFX.
Well, I decided to purchase one of these. I hope to get this soon, I have wanted a tricorder for over 10 years.
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arrgh!!!! Can't wat for mine I also preordered coming with the holster - took the layaway plan and have to wait till next month - but the pics ease my wait to have a superb official replica. i own a DStines Tricorder, but a metal one is still a different thing!