eFX Gets Star Trek License

Did the ID light and EMRG button light up on those originally?

The ones on mine lit up.

The Legacy Star Trek items couldn’t have found a better home in my opinion, Brian and the crew at eFX are going to make a lot of Trek fans very happy.
I'm nothing but ecstatic about this, looks to me like things will be going right this time, and we'll have Brent's autograph to boot, $350 sounds like a deal to me
Am I the only one who's a little irked by the signature thing? Not sure I want scribbley sharpie all over it, no matter who's signature. I REALLY hope its on a COA, or the plaque.
Judging by the other stuff on their site, I would assume it will be on the plaque. No, I don't want one that's actually signed either. I'm looking more for a prop, not an autograph. If I want an autograph, I'll go to a convention with a picture of Data in hand.
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