Dredd3d Lawgiver - from Original CAD files...

Don't know how I missed this thread, but I am REALLY hoping someone with this level of accuracy will offer shells. I know some very very good replicas are being made as solid castings, but I am paying a lot of money for blowback G17s and want to be able to put a shell over those instead of have a huge chunk of resin.
Also, it would probably be hugely complicated, but I would LOVE to have the "supressor" be able to slide out. Wonder if we could use some type of small piston to make that happen...
Don't know how I missed this thread, but I am REALLY hoping someone with this level of accuracy will offer shells. I know some very very good replicas are being made as solid castings, but I am paying a lot of money for blowback G17s and want to be able to put a shell over those instead of have a huge chunk of resin.

Same here, as much $ that's being put into the entire costume I'd like some "bells and whistles" and the Lawgiver would be a perfect fit.

On the silencer barrel option, aren't there "screw" type accuators/servos that could be used?
Art, I've also requested that Custom Creations make a shell if at all possible. Like you, I've got some money invested in good blowback glocks. My understanding is that he's going to try and make it happen.
A pop-out silencer would be awesome, but I'd also be happy with one that just snaps on as an option.
You guys are too awesome! I like to think my stuff looks pretty close to SA but I'm not even in the same universe!!! It's like Clone Wars with you folks making the clones. I could only aspire to do what you do with computers....make that even understand what you do. Any possibility someone could offer a set of plans for scratch building one. Maybe you could print them to scale on paper with photos and 3-D views as well. Offer that to dummies like me with some rudimentary instructions and tips for $10 to $15. It might be a quick way to make some cash and would be welcomed by people like me who can barely find the keyboard. Comments?
I for one would be very interested, the reference to the servos in the barrel , a linnear arm accellerator is almost certainly what was used to 'motorize' the extension and return for the 'silencer' barrel ( on the down stroke - the normal barrel is withdrawn into the gun and on the up stroke the silencer is extended , the reverse action taking place when the 'hidden' switch is triggered , we've seen what Plecter Labs did with the voice activated Lawgiver 1, I'm sure all those features with the inclusion of the LCD screen could be easily replicated ( after all, they did it on the Hero filming props ) I'd be interested in as set of shells, as I agree resin shells may not stand up to the strain of a full auto fire , and I'd like to try to cast these in white metal as I have had some success in doing this in the past producing the first PFC firing Blade Runner Blaster , some of you will recognise me from Propsummit, I have been very seriously ill for some considerable time , now on the road to recovery but I'll never be able to model myself as I did before , but I am teaching the new next generation to keep my hand in, and to keep my costume collection going. There are other here all doing shells , I have yet to see a full set or indeed buy one , I do have several request out so hopefully I will be able to make a start soon
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Sorry for the lack of updates, but this is in its current state, just push fit parts at the mo so excuse the gaps.
Current parts list:
Body shell
Front guard
Grip 'Shoulder'
Rear slide
LCD Cover frame ( not seen here)
I know there are a few LG's out there, mine is a labour of love rather than a rush to get it to the JunkYard.....but its 90% done.
I should really show a pic of it cladding the blowback, which it also fits nicely.


Excellent work so far , god mods on the Gas blowback, , linear accuator used to deploy/retract flash suppressor /silencer on filming 'HERO' so it must be possible to fit inside shells.
This is, without doubt, the most accurate reproduction of the Lawgiver so far. It's captured the proportions and subtle details that many others have missed.

A couple of details that, if it were me, I would tweak:

The top shroud on the left side should be lower, almost touching the slide assembly. The display housing and slide assembly aren't quite lined up at their tops, so there's a small 'kink' in the shroud. If you look closely at screen captures you can see it.

The grip molding, I feel, should be shaved away, particularly towards the front to give a steeper, sharper angle. Also, I'd curve the molding at the back (see pic, below). This would reduce the visual 'weight' of the molding.

But that's just me. I dunno, perhaps I've just been staring at grainy screen captures for far too long!

I thought that the part that were calling the blowback portion included the full piece on the left side not just up to the circle... Hence the serrated lines for gripping the slide? I'm sure you did a lot more research than i did but this seems odd to me.
Englisharcher - I don't know enough to be able to judge the accuracy of the evidence you're presenting, but just the fact that you took the time to give such thoughtful and detailed input to someone else's build is a sterling example of what makes the RPF so great.
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