Doctor Who lands in Northampton, Saturday 18 November


Sr Member
Hi all

Earlier this year I reached out to Northampton Museum and while a full few weeks of an exhibition isn't possible this year (but will be maybe in a few years...), they offered for me and a gang of prop builders and cosplayers to put on a display for an afternoon....

Nearing 60 years on our television screens this month, "Doctor Who" has been a stalwart of Saturday evenings since 1963 and has continued to entertain and scare audiences behind the sofa to today. David Tennant returns as the Time Lord in 3 specials due to premiere THIS month.

To commemorate the longevity of the show in its 60th year, why not join the Doctor and his adversaries for an afternoon of displays, chats and an alien invasion at Northampton Museum. Fly the TARDIS, see inside a Dalek, admire the Doctor's costumes and cower at the scariest monsters in the universe.

FREE ENTRY 12-4pm Saturday 18 November, the TARDIS materialises at the Northampton Museum & Art Gallery on Guildhall Road.

For more information click here (1).jpg

If you're local, it'll be fantastic to see you there! If you're not, please tell your friends and family! We'd love for this to be significant enough that the museum call us back again in the future.

See you there!!
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