Although mine are almost all in storage at this moment I can tell you what I did.
I wanted to hang all the sabers vertical on each side of the movie posters. I have not found any system I like, what I wanted was you to not see the mounting at all, but be able to take the saber down easy and show it off.
In the end- after trying other approches I decided the simplest answer was the best for me.
I mount a hook on the wall - just those little picture hanging hooks they sell everywhere. I painted the hook (which is tiny anyway) the same color as the wall - in my rented apartment that is white. Then I just take the saber and make a loop of 50 lbs fishing line aroung the handle. Basicly just making a loop around a good part of the handle where it will not slip off (and it has worked on every FX saber released so far) making the loop just slightly larger then the handle is around. Then just hook the saber , by that loop, onto the picture hanger, and the sabers just hang on the wall.
The finishing like is plenty strong to hold the saber - so is the picture hook. The Fishing line is also almost invisible, so the saber looks just glued to the wall. And keeping the loop of line just slightly larger then the handle of the saber means it hangs snug agains the wall, with the blade straight up ) taking away the sag worries., and easy to remove and "play with" -sure there is a small loop of fishing line on the handle, but really a smalll price to pay for what you get.
It may sound simple and kid like (and it is a little) but it works great. I have had sabers haning the way since I got them and have never had a problem.
I even have my double Maul hanging that way (on the side of an EP 1 poster of course

) and it works great. Not the right way, but my way.