desert island prop - which one would you have?


Master Member
ok your stranded on a desert island, you are allowed one prop with you.

it can either be one you own or would like to own.

fan made or screen used/production made.

1, it can't be a vehicle to get you off the island (boat,plane etc..)

2, it can't be a "love" doll.

3, you can't call it wilson.

I'd probably go with altair's sword from assassin's creed. It could come in very handy as well...
Are there any props out there that serve as a functioning multitool? Like a knife, shovel, saw, etc? If so, that one.

And I'd call it Wilson anyways.
I would choose my lovely Mace Windu (epII) lightsaber hilt.
OR! a working Mace Windu lightsaber! mmmm, purple glow in the sunset all to myself! :) can't take batteries or it would be useless in no time...

A nice solid gold Ark of the Covenant should be reflective enough to attract some attention and to barter my way home should the need arise. ;)