Deadpool movie suit research thread *NEW PICS*

The fabric looks great! Wish it had a 4-way stretch

Do we really need a 4 way stretch for this Suit? I have no experience in this matter! Also have no idea how much fabric one needs for 1 suit.
(I dont even know for sure if im gonna make a suit myself, but i enjoy searching the right seems to be a pain in the *ss for the marvel suits)

The shop i got this from is only a small one. If you guys want to order, i might be willing to resell + also ship abroad!
I know that the movie suits are made with 4-way stretch.
Of course, there are complete deadpool suit solutions that are being sold on this forum that don't have much stretch at all (so I've read).
Honestly it depends on what you'll do in the suit.
I think a 2 way stretch is more than enough. It's al about the way its being stitched together. Use the stretch direction in places it needs to stretch.
My fabric does stretch 4 ways but not alot in one direction.

I will probably send a piece of fabric to someone that makes deadpool masks, really accurate and he will test it.
My guess is, if it works for the mask, it will work for the rest of the suit!

I know that the movie suits are made with 4-way stretch.
Of course, there are complete deadpool suit solutions that are being sold on this forum that don't have much stretch at all (so I've read).
Honestly it depends on what you'll do in the suit.
Hi everyone! i received the sample of the Fabric today. And i think its spot on!
The texture is really nice. The upper layer has an nice shine to it.
I also believe the color could be spot on. Its a nice blue-ish red and not a yellow-ish red.
In one direction its stretches nicely about 2cm, but in the other direction just a few mm's

Here are some pictures (first 2 in Daylight, second two in glowbolt lightning, the picture with the bag is also Daylight):

View attachment 666877View attachment 666878View attachment 666879View attachment 666880

Here you can see the color difference between a yellowred bag and the fabric.
View attachment 666881

What do you guys think?
Looks great though not sure how well it will work if it's only a 2 way stretch but if people can get the pattern to work it would look great :)

Sent From The Batcave
I think it might work. I am probably gonna send Illustrastudios a yard of the fabric for one of their masks. They will test it, to see if it work.

Looks great though not sure how well it will work if it's only a 2 way stretch but if people can get the pattern to work it would look great :)

Sent From The Batcave
just found this!! These Katanas look pretty accurate...
Bildschirmfoto 2016-10-12 um 15.42.39.png
He's the man!! Sounds good, and heavy as well. :thumbsup

(you/he should make a mold an resell for everyone here on the rpf.. im pretty sure there will be demand for it if the price fits.)

The handles are resin
The blades are maple
The sheaths are styrene
The scabbard is foamex

As for templates, I dunno.

I just gave him loads of pics and then, BOOM, he did them
Anyone got some templates for the shoulder pads, wristbands, and boots I could use? I'm making them from craft foam sheets, covered in fake leather.
I know I'm super new to this forum. I had looked for tons of reference photos for Deadpool for the project I was making. Now I don't have full versions of templates. But I can give you an idea of what I did to make the ones I used for my project if you are interested. I guess it added them anyway, but there you go. Excuse my bad spelling.

View attachment 20161023_121443[1].jpg


  • 20161023_122953[1].jpg
    279.8 KB · Views: 131
Re: Aspiring Deadpools, first image of the 2016 film costume has been released.

I couldn't find a definitive answer, so just went with something that look sort of right.
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