Darth Vader Limited Edition Bronze Statue $18,000.00

franz bolo

Sr Member
Darth Vader Limited Edition Bronze Statue $18,000.00

Sculpted by Lawrence A. Noble, this statue stands 45" (3 ft. 9 inches).


So what do people think about this?


Yea, really. It doesn't capture the real feeling of Vader for me. For that price and at that size it should be alot more accurate than that. Looks like an unfortunate and confusing mix of idealized and the different film versions.

What's with the stubby fingers on his right hand?
To whoever buys one of those: Please contact me about this bridge I have for sale at a really good price....
Buy 2 statues and we'll throw in a complementary walletdectomy, redeemable at any financial institution you currently bank at.
$18,000??! You can almost buy your own ship fo that!!

Seriously though. The body and pose is VERY good, but there is something off about the mouth area on the mask. Everything else looks right though. No disrepect to the artist.
Need better pics. You can tell it is only using several colors. The APs are already sold out so there is at least 6 people with too much money.


Too much money IMHO. The only thing that warrants a price like that is a limited edition piece, but even that must be really really accurate. The size is pretty phenomenal. I'd want a life size for 18K though. LOL As said before, no offense to the artist. If it were something I really really wanted, money would be no object......this just doesn't do it for me.

What's with the stubby fingers on his right hand?
I think he's supposed to be grasping the edge of his belt box... the Sith Lord equivalent of putting your thumbs through your belt loops. :p

This piece is, I believe, offered as a work of art, and as such is not so much a "screen-accurate" representation of the subject as a reflection of the artist's sensibilities. Some people will love the interpretation and others won't. I personally wouldn't spend 18K on this, but I believe there are those who would, and will. (As Gman666 noted, the Artist's Proofs are already "sold out"... although this may not reflect actual sales. Aren't APs usually given as VIP gifts rather than sold along with the numbered edition?)
I find this very hard to cough up that kind of cash for a statue. Ok sure it's art but if you got 18k to drop on something like that it's time for a reality check. Usually the proofs sell out quick because they go to certain clients.

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Yea, I considered that, but like I said, it doesn't capture the feeling of Vader for me, or many others, likely. And one thing art is supposed to do is create a feeling. I doubt the artist meant for me to have the feeling I do about it. If it were a "loose" sculpture or something along those lines, I'd accept it alot easier. But once you go down the detail path, you'd better make sure those details are fairly close. I could make a list half a page long of the structural inaccuracies (meaning general shape of something) alone. Maybe the artist isn't used to working in this size? I could see maybe under $5000 for it, but not sure if that would even cover the cost of the metal? This looks like the sort of thing the wife would find and give me as a Christmas present, and when I open it I am polite but secretly emberrassed by it. I'm surprised that people are snapping it up, frankly. Just proves that people will buy anything if you call it a limited edition.

This piece is, I believe, offered as a work of art, and as such is not so much a "screen-accurate" representation of the subject as a reflection of the artist's sensibilities.
Not sure if you read it this way, but I didn't mean the second part of my post to be directed at you specifically; it was just a rumination on where the "value" in a piece like this might be found (in its artistic interpretation, rather than its faithfulness to objective details). But your point is well taken and, in fact, I'm with you: this piece doesn't capture the feel of Vader for me, either, as a realistic representation or as a piece of art. :)
I don't ever remember an artist ever having to get a license to make art!! Can you imagine Warhol getting a Campbell's Soup license! :lol To me it goes against what art is. Basically this is an overpriced licensed sculpt and nothing more.

I personally think this is ridiculous. I know he did a Yoda and an Obiwan sculpt before.

I'm surprised how much detail this sculpt has captured, and it's very well executed, but the face doesn't do it for me. The dome is better than some of the scaled sculpts I've seen, but still not quite there. If the body looks great but the head doesn't, it loses the magic.
I am not a sucker in the least for bronze stuff. This reminds me of those action figures they make silver editions to and people oggle over them.

I don't care what material it's made of. I'd want an accurate statue and I'd want it full-painted with excellent detail and everything. But even then I wouldn't pay $18k, even if I was a multi-millionaire.

Whether it Bronze, faux bronze... whatever... Not interested.

It looks worth more like a $400 statue.

Plus... we should have GOLD statues. Would competitors' ultimate dream really be the bronze medal? :p Bronze is so 3rd place! :D
for 18k you could buy the best vader costume out there hire a good sculptor to make the soft parts in clay, mould it, toss the costume in a dumpster and have it cast in gold then hire go-go dancers to jiggle alongside it for 6 months and still have change.

Or buy real art, like a McQuarrie. or a real Warhol