Daft Punk Thomas Bangalter helmet build - FINAL p.20!

Re: Daft Punk Thomas Bangalter helmet build

I had a ridiculous idea a bit ago to slush cast one using ridiculously gaudy black glitter as filler. Maybe one day when Ive had a few drinks.

Started sanding/cutting the helmets today. Both are coming along well, will probably have them ready for chrome by next weekend!

Oddly, that little cheek bubble present in all my slushcasts didn't come through in the polyester resin casts. Couldn't tell you why...

May need to be more than a few drinks :unsure

I've never been a fan of carbon fiber unless absolutely necessary for strength reasons, but then again I have no experience with using it in a 'cosmetic' sense. Normally I used it as a 'spar' for fiberglass wings, so it was layed up as part of the fiberglass wing skin.

Here's my experience with it as an 'aeroshell' on a competition plane a few years back:

1) The 'course' weave of the carbon fiber meant that is was really difficult to get a good surface finish without 'bubbles' between the weave and the exterior, ruining the smooth finish. We ended up using a layer of 0.7oz glass as the actual exterior surface so that we got smooth results.

2) Carbon fiber has a tendency to act like a sponge and pull epoxy into the weave itself. This means it tends to pull the epoxy away from the exterior surface, ruining the finish. In the above case, it tended to pull epoxy out of the fiberglass that was acting as the outside layer. In the case of a wing spar, it tended to wick up the epoxy that was being used to bond the spar to the wing foam core, making the spar less effective with a higher risk of delamination.

3) Carbon fiber cloth is stiffer than fiberglass and tends to resist bending more than fiberglass, making it harder to work with on curved surfaces. Normally this is fixed by vac bagging to apply pressure until the epoxy cures.

Granted, the above experience was with an airplane aeroshell, where weight was a crucial concern. A handful of the problems experienced above could probably be cured by simply adding more epoxy than the bare minimum like we were.

I would love to hear from someone with experience in carbon fiber 'cosmetic' items like body panels (and Volpin helmets) in the methods and approaches to use for carbon fiber. My experience came at the cost of extensive and painful trial and error. I'm sure that contributes heavily to my mistrust of it.
Re: Daft Punk Thomas Bangalter helmet build

Volpin, ever thought of casting a helmet out of the Optically Clear Liquid Plastic from Smooth-on? Might make a cool looking helmet cast. Crystal Clear® Optically Clear Casting Resin from Smooth-On, Inc

That would be interesting. Kinda defeats the purpose of Daft Punk helmets since they wear them to hide their identity because they're shy and "want the music to be about the art, not about them." Sort of like the inverse of lady gaga really. Then again, I'm imagining an over-elaborate and overcomplicated set of RGB LEDs (as I normally do) radiating outwards through the clear plastic. You'd never be able to see the wearer. Then again if you look directly at it you may never be able to see ever again :unsure

It'd be interesting to see what the results would be with slush casting. My gut says it would have faults but then again some of the examples on the website are huge and must be hollow. I wonder how those results were obtained...
Re: Daft Punk Thomas Bangalter helmet build

if you can get to a West Marine, which is a boating supplier near me right on Lake Erie, you can get a lot of helpful tools and tricks regarding "fiberglass". I recently found out a lot of things, like the fiberglassing resin you buy for automotive use may not be polyester but acrylic resin which is more brittle, but it fooled me because it smells very similar. Polyester doesn't bond to itself as I though it did, which is why for any polyester hull repairs, people use epoxy resins as they bond to most anything including cured polyester. Epoxy is far less noxious to work with but it is more expensive.

I also saw there were a few different "gel coats" I got a laminating gel coat which was a thickened resin, just like I had been creating with cab o sil on my own. It was expensive and overall, when tooling the casting afterward, I found it more brittle than the resin. It also ran just as much as thickened polyester, so it didn't really save me the work of keeping it from pooling up as I had hoped.

Instead of drawing x's on the second layer sheets, you can tint the batch of resin with oil paint, tints-all, or polyester tint, then you'll know where you've been a little easier. I think I'm going to continue to buy polyester in gallons from West Marine as they are about $40 as opposed to whatever they're selling for automotive use elsewhere for about $75. I'll probably tint it and mix in cab o sil as usual for my first layer, and save myself all the extra money.

I also picked up some generic plastic syringes there, which have been great for applying 5 min epoxy. It's so much nicer to load a syringe with epoxy and apply it specifically. I always end up taking a bath in the stuff, somehow it gets on everything! I bet you can get those in bulk online though for cheaper than $2.50 each. I can make one syringe last a few applications though, if you let the epoxy set and pull out the plunger it comes out attached and you can just snap it off. They do have chip brushes by the case for close to internet prices after shipping though, which is awesome.

PS looking pretty kick ass!
Re: Daft Punk Thomas Bangalter helmet build

Thanks for the tips on 'glassing. I do need a proper gel coat, but the distributors here in Atlanta weren't able to point me in the right direction. For now, the buckets I've got will have to do. Deadlines, and all.

There's been a lot of sanding since the polyester resin helmets were pulled. I'm also happy to report that at the helmet's most fragile state with all trimming finished, it survived a drop from my bench onto the concrete shop floor with no ill effects. Huzzah!

Lots of time with the dremel, files, sandpaper and bondo got me to this point. There's probably 6-7 hours or so of trimming/sanding from raw cast to here. I will say that my urethane casts do not deform in the same way and places where the polyester casts develop dents. This is probably because of the polyester resin pulling away from the mold surface slightly as the initial "gel coat" isn't 100% set.



For the ear light rings, I chopped the pucks in half on the bandsaw. A little bit of cleanup to get the edges flat and uniform, and we end up here. You can't really tell, but there's a 3/16" disc of PETG on the left cylinder which will act as the diffusion ring for the lights.


The bottom cylinders were epoxied into the helmet base to make the final assembly process easier. Blending these seams has been a pain in the ass. Kind of wish I'd made the master like this instead... too late now



Ran out of my standard brown primer, but this white actually makes the few remaining small divots really easy to see. I'm hoping to get it out for chrome this week since I'll be out of town for 5 days on Thursday... we'll see. I'd rather not rush things if I can avoid it.

Re: Daft Punk Thomas Bangalter helmet build

I love how it looks right now. So... what's your opinion about fiberglass resin vs. urethane resin? IMO, I like fiberglass much better because the products look more solid than the urethane ones, I mean for big pieces like helmets, for smaller pieces I won't use fiberglass. It smells worst and is harder to work, but I think it's worth the extra work.
Re: Daft Punk Thomas Bangalter helmet build

Ran out of my standard brown primer, but this white actually makes the few remaining small divots really easy to see.


i like the look of this white primer. makes the bucket look so innocent :lol

anyway, looks great so far
Re: Daft Punk Thomas Bangalter helmet build

I love how it looks right now. So... what's your opinion about fiberglass resin vs. urethane resin?

Both have advantages and disadvantages. A urethane cast takes me about an hour to knock out. Its easier to sand and machine, and slushcasting this bucket is really very easy. That said, they're very thick, heavy, and are easily deformed by heat.

Polyester resin copies take significantly longer and are harder to capture all the detail I'm after without a proper gel coat. Thats likely rectified in the future though. They're stronger, lighter, and more uniform in thickness, but they're also more brittle.

Helmet left for chrome today. CnC is suuuuper backed up, unfortunately, so I won't see the helmet back for 4 weeks (bleh.) I trust these guys to do a good job though, and I don't want to go through the learning process with a new chroming shop again.

Wetsanded to 2,000 grit and packed tightly for shipping - the cardboard panel makes sure none of the shipping stress on the box is transferred into the open area of the visor cavity.


See ya soon, little buddy!

Edit: Also tossed together a 5V voltage regulator and distribution block to step the incoming voltage down from 12V. Didn't want the Arduino Yellowjacket handling all this work.

A friend once told me that my "multi board" design is a little on the inefficient side, but I like to think it helps me make small adaptations later on down the road like this!


Maybe once I'm done with this I can build out an entire "set" for controlling a Thomas matrix that will require a minimum of boards, with a slot for an ATMega or something... Or maybe I'll just move on to something else. Who knows!
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Re: Daft Punk Thomas Bangalter helmet build

Self-bump? Apparently so. Sorry, in advance, for the spam.

Last night I fired up the soldering iron, again, to start quenching the little thirst that AgentRayBans flared up a few weeks ago. The circuitboards for the ear LEDs came in, and I was eager to get them lit up after the helmet left for chrome.

Here's the board's final design. I really think I'll be using SMD resistors on my projects from here on out. They may be a bit more of a pain to solder, but HOLY CRAP are they tiny. These could really make all my other designs much, much smaller. Suddenly through-hole resistors seem like colossal dinosaurs.


Here's everything all fired up. These boards are 5V direct in, nothing fancy - they'll be permanently on whenever the helmet is active. At this point, they're really accent pieces, so I think that will be okay.


I chucked one inside a resin test ear puck to see the glow, then blocked off the back with some gaff tape. Looks a LOT better in person, but you get the idea here. I think if I scuff up the disc a bit to diffuse the glow, I'll get some more vibrant results. Still, mighty cool.


Re: Daft Punk Thomas Bangalter helmet build

Very nice. Its a really small detail compared to the rest of the electronics but I think its really going to add to the over all look of your helmet greatly. I'm glad I motivated you to do it, even if it was unintentional, haha.

In addition to scuffing it up, spraying it with a satin clear coat would probably do the trick, too.
Re: Daft Punk Thomas Bangalter helmet build

Volpin, your design work is meticulous and beautiful! I am so excited to see outcome of this helmet, and even more excited to see the Tron build up. Great work!
Re: Daft Punk Thomas Bangalter helmet build

Made a mold for the side bars last night - I'm going to have to make at least 4 of these (2 for mine and 2 more for a client) so this is a hell of a lot easier than trying to get all these silly angles exactly the same over and over again.

Also, if anyone else who has one of my helmets needs a set, let me know!


I'm using a spare helmet for mockup purposes right now while the other is off getting chromed. Hoping I can just toss everything inside it once it gets back to Atlanta.
Re: Daft Punk Thomas Bangalter helmet build

So I guess the serious helmet building threads have moved over here now? Makes sense. TDC was filling with threads asking dumb questions.

Your LEDs for the ears look amazing. By any chance, are you going to do another run of helmets? I've got an odd request in that I only need ear cones. Mine came out awful. I'll be doing a catch-up post in TDC which will show just how awful they are.
Re: Daft Punk Thomas Bangalter helmet build

Volpin, I must say I'm a huge fan, and you've inspired me to dive into this ocean of prop building and learn. This build is going wonderfully and I now wish I had told my brother "yes" when he asked if I wanted to go to Dragon*Con.

In any case, thanks for the inspiration, and keep on making your great educated guesses and helping the rest of us too!
Re: Daft Punk Thomas Bangalter helmet build

In any case, thanks for the inspiration, and keep on making your great educated guesses and helping the rest of us too!

Glad to help!

UPDATE! This thread is going to see some action very soon...


There's a slight orangepeel to the finish right now; the guys at CnC are going to sand it down and get another coat on there to smooth it out a bit. I should have it back sometime next week.
Re: Daft Punk Thomas Bangalter helmet build

Anyone have a towel? There's suddenly a big puddle of drool in front of me.

Now leave me alone while I stare longingly into the hall of mirrors in front of me...
Re: Daft Punk Thomas Bangalter helmet build

Looks great! That's nice of them to willingly sand it down and try again, too.

I know they were chroming a Mr.Pinski helmet at the same time as yours, but I think I see a third Thomas in the reflection of your helmet? I wonder if they are sick of Daft Punk lids yet.
Re: Daft Punk Thomas Bangalter helmet build


this is...i can't even find the words to describe how awesome it is. can't hardly wait to see the finished helmet
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