Custom 'ruiner' Updated Cast On Page 7.

2012-07-25 22.41.57.jpg

A little bit of progress.
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Well... got the mold out of the jacket, got the clay out of the mold, tonight... I clean the left over clay and possibly do a cast (if children allow).

Ruiner Mold.JPG
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Yeah, William. I got really close last night but unfortunately I had a mishap whilst pouring my first cast. So, I'm going to shoot for it again tonight. Plus, I need a lot more resin than what I have to get more out of this mold.
Well... i haven't had the chance to get the other cast going yet.

So, here is my battle damaged (actually ****** up first cast...LOL) with a few layers of spray paint. No weathering yet.

Figure it has sentimental value and looks actually kind of cool. Like a PRED who done got his ass whooped up on by another PRED, .

2012-07-28 20.57.39.jpg
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Like I said on fb..That's badass!!! And most important, you learned first hand how to work with the material. The experience you gained is worth the cost of the materials. Keep this Bio as it is an important milestone in your journey... a reminder of what didn't

I love it. Now beat the **** outta it with some more paint and a soldering iron.:)
. Good Luck brother! Looks better than my second cast ever (AKA the half solid subzero mk9 mask LOL...)
... thanks Broseevus. I really appreciate the positive enforcement.

Well, for all who haven't seen it yet... this is what I have so far. Needs a little bit of love and filling, but I do believe after I get a few more out of this one I should be golden for my next project.

2012-08-04 00.53.32.jpg

I'll get some better pic's tomorrow when it is light out.
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Well... All I need now is to install the lenses (which I will be hunting for tomorrow) and get me a set of tri-lasers.

I hope you all enjoy the project. I will be getting more resin to make a few more and then it is on to another creation. I already started melting down the chunks of clay and my fiberglass armature held up from this one so...

Please, be gentle for it is my first (actually second since the first one came out all junky, :) ).

Ruiner .1.jpg

Ruiner .2.jpg

Ruiner .3.jpg

Ruiner .4.jpg
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