Custom 'ruiner' Updated Cast On Page 7.

Thanks William. I am really having fun with this. I don't want to stop. I am actually starting to get a feeling for the clay and how it works too.

I think after a few under my belt I will attempt a head and see what happens there.
Yeah, I am pretty sure when you hear the birds morning song, it is time to step away.

So fitting the name. Because it be ruining my sleep pattern, lol.

Here you are brothers and sisters... Progress shot off the night. Still trying to keep in form with my design, but we all know that is hard to do on customs, eh?

2012-06-16 03.49.55.jpg

2012-06-16 03.50.16.jpg
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Not sure if it is only the picture, but it looks to be a bit loop sided towards the right (post #80) so watch out for that.

I really like the form of the eyes, kind of reminds me of George/Jailers bios.
Other then that, I think you are coming along great and I know you wont ruin 'er so keep it up! :D
I think it is the lighting. I have two overhead (ceiling) and I am not sitting directly beneath them. It does make it look lop sided doesn't it? Plus I think the crown area being how it is makes it look wonky too, lol.

Thank you though for the look out Nicole. I thank you. :)
Wow...I must have been a little out of it on the last post I made to you Nicole, .

Actually, It is a more basic bio. I will have parts on it that serve certain purposes (like the two hoses) and such but the reason it is called the 'RUINER' is the bone atop it's forehead. I was thinking of a close hand to hand combat scenario where a headbutt would be quite effective and "ruin" an opponent and render them ineffective for defense. Especially if they take it between the eyes, :D .

Good question though. I am trying to stay away from going overboard with it like I would like to do, but being my first it's just going to be tame. Pretty much doing the k.i.s.s. method.

...oh, and I'm working in the battle damage as I go too. Then after it is all said and done I will add the texturing.
Long day I would say. Got more finished in spurts do to heat and clay being to sticky to work with, otherwise I would more than likely be at the point where I could really start to hit the texturing and get the Laser housing sculpted.

So, here it is Ladies and Gents. Progress for today. I hope you like it so far (I know that I do) and I hope that the lighting doesn't throw it off too much.

progress 6-17.JPG

Progress 6-7teen.JPG

progress 6-seventeen.JPG
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Hey guys, thanks alot for the comments.

I will be doing some adjustment to it of course (I am never satisfied). Especially to the crown area.

I do have a question though for those willing to lend me an answer: When I make the housing for the laser system, do I make it separately from the bio or do I sculpt it to the bio then remove it? I have seen some bio's where the housing is separate from the bio and has an area where it will be attached to when the lasers are installed.

Any help with this is muchos appreciated. :cool:
Great looking bio so far, I really like it.

I sculpt mine seperate and mold it seperate from the bio. I find it easier for molding/casting and installation of the tri-lasers, but that may just be my humble opinion too. I'm going to mold and cast the tri-laser unit seperat on the Juggernaut bio.
Hey Munson, coming from a talent such as yourself, I will take that humble opinion and do as you would with yours.

I am really glad you find my first bio attempt "admirable", so to speak.

I really, really dig what you are doing with 'ol "Juggs" too. That bio is going to be sick as all Hades man.
Had some time tonight to do a little tweeking, texturing, and add my laser housing plate (if that's what you want to call it?).
2012-06-19 23.08.15.jpg

2012-06-19 23.08.26.jpg

2012-06-19 23.57.22.jpg

Sorry the pics are orange. Was working in my dining room, the garage was too flipping hot.
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man this is coming along! Awesome man. Check out the outer right eye (facing it) it looks like its a little bit too bulky. the left eye looks great, I think the right eye needs to come in abit. I'll make a pic to better illustrate what I'm talking about.

There we go..

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Are you talking about the...oh what would it be called?...the "ridge" on the outerside of the eye? Perhaps the cheek area , or the eye socket itself?

I will definitely take a look at it in natural light at lunch and see what I can do. Thanks for the heads up.
It looks to be more so the outer ridge where it meets with the temple on the right side..

Here's a nother pic. Hope it helps

Check out where the right curve and ****** arrow meet.that ridge seems thicker than the left.

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I'm really digging the lines on this bio. The snout area really stands out to me as "different," which I really dig. As far as Greebles go, as I've stated in the past on other threads, if you can justify their use, then cool, but simply sticking on kit parts to make it look "tech" bugs the **** out of me. Granted, there is a fine line with that argument, as well. The ONLY thing that kind of stands out to me (And this is just my take) are the two cheek hoses. On the one hand, you could argue it's a great motif to pull from other bios. On the other hand, you could argue it's been done enough. I'm not saying don't use hoses, but maybe think about how to incorporate them in a different curve, maybe more than one, different entry/exit points. Regardless, I'm really digging the design and am looking forward to updates.

As far as alcohol versus water, here are my two cents. Each has its advantages. Water is great for knocking off clay dust (Scrapings) and for initially knocking down ridges for when you don't want to melt the clay. I prefer 99% over white spirits per the odor. The WS give me a ******* headache, even the "odorless" ones. The 99% also feels like a cleaner, more controlled melt, and evaporates faster than the spirits. 91% alcohol works, too, just knock as effectively. To apply it, I dig using a little pump mister, few squirts, and then hitting it with a brush, working in overlapping small, dime-sized circles and/or figure 8's, to really keep it even. Just do a little at a time, not to hard because once you stop, the alcohol will continue to soften the clay until it evaporates, so if you take it to "there" it may keep going to, "Ooops, too much" and you've lost details. Have to play with it to understand this concept. As for brushes, some people use those small round-tipped paint brushes. I prefer the ones for stenciling; a little bigger, 3/8" diameter, and a tad stiffer, but that's just me.

As for symmetry, might I suggest:

Why thank you Brad, for your well informed reply.

I was actually thinking that the hoses (I am incorporating) for this bio were like an environmental sensory mechanism used to differentiate the atmosphere of which ever hunting ground/planet this Pred would be on. I have thought about just removing them all together too because I don't think they look well placed...but I'm torn on it.

Thank you for your opinion too on the smoothing liquids. I'll look into them. As for the calipers, I completely forgot to get some. I think I did a fair enough job on doing it by eye and am still making minor adjustments so if I can, I will look into some if those also.

Man, you guys are all so much help. I sincerely appreciate all of the feedback and criticism. It is not falling on blind eyes so keep on texting them words of encouragement.
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