Crysis Nanosuit - has anyone done one?

Sluis Van Shipyards

Legendary Member
I'm not planning on building one, but I was curious if anyone knows if someone has built a Crysis Nanosuit?
Not familiar with the game but my 1st reaction to the pix was 'Durge'.
Its all the muscle fiber like stuff on the arms and legs.
Crysis Nano Suit

I am looking for ideas for a suit like the one from the game Crysis2.Any ideas would be great.
Re: Crysis Nano Suit

That is a cool suit.Anything like that is what I am looking for.Also any pictures of the one from Crysis would be great also.
Re: Crysis Nano Suit

Hey guys maybe the helmet can be done with the Pepakura program. Any ideas on this ? Maybe someone can make this a 3D model to use for this ?
Re: Crysis Nano Suit

I'm also looking forward that someone creative is making a wearable crysis suit that can also be bought. Would love to run around with such a suit.
Crysis Nanosuit

I noticed that there are no Crysis Nano-suits!

Why is that? is it because its too hard to make since its 1 complete suit and no armor parts??


Such a costume would OWN so hard! maybe you could make the armor out of rubber?

Does anyone have the PEP file for this suit?
Re: Crysis Nanosuit

Hey, I saw over at the 405th a topic on hot glue and aqua resin instead of fiberglass and bondo/resin for pepakura. This might give the extra flex to armour parts that fiberglass might not??? Would be awesome to see one of these.