Creepshow comic book

Here is a question - Are you printing them to the size comics were in the 80s? Or are you printing them to the size the comics were in the 1950s - Which I assume by the 10 cent price is when this was theoretically supposed to come out???
Wow, I had no idea there would be so much interest in this old project.

Here is a question - Are you printing them to the size comics were in the 80s? Or are you printing them to the size the comics were in the 1950s - Which I assume by the 10 cent price is when this was theoretically supposed to come out???

Well, I do have a few original Tales from the Crypt and Weird Science comics from the 50's and they seem to be just about the same size as the comic I got from Savini's friend. THere's only a difference of about a centimeter or so.
Ill just conform it to about that size.
question for you dark saber, does the creepshow comic you got from savini have the actual art segments between stories or is it just the cover?
oh ok. well i really hope this project is going well. i also thought about replicating the comic, using some of the shots in the movie as the comic panels by editing in PS just like you said, but im just not that knowledgeable in that department. so thats why im depending on you man! and so are other people! im a huge fan of creepshow and other horror comics and ive always wanted that prop comic and you can most likely make it happen! :) whenever you get it done let me know, man. keep in touch!
Greeting kiddies...If I may suggest that you should aim to the guy responsible for the art work of the film.
His name is Rick Catizone, he has a website Ivisited hoping to find some pics of his work for Creepshow but there wasn't.
I thought there would have been stills of the comic on the special edition DVD after reading an interview of a guy involved in the project saying that he had access to it.
Unfortunately, the Comic does appear but for only 5 seconds!!
I decided to write directly to Mr Catizone
I emailed him to ask if he could put some on his website but even if he kindly replied to my message, he never did.
Maybe you should try with him since I believe he's living in Pittsburgh...
My CREEPSHOW comic book - "1st Issue Collectors' Edition!" - YouTube

Found this video of a custom Creepshow comic on YouTube, actually it was this vid that led me to stumble upon this particualr thread (though coincidentally, I discovered this forum earlier this week while researching custom NOES 3 - Dream Warriors prop houses).

Anywho, the inside appears to be one of the EC Comics Annuals published by Gemstone Publsihing in the mid-90's. These so-called "annuals" were basically the collected trade paperback versions of EC Rerpints, and surprisingly you can still pick these bad boys up from Russ Chochran's website for under $10 each (shhh, don't tell everybody).

The guy that posted this vid of his custom Creepshow comic prop goes by the handle of "creepshowcreep". What do you guys think? I personally like it, though I'm fairly certain it will be surpassed in authenticity by what Darth Saber has cookin'...
Hello Darth Saber!

I would like to help you in the project.

I believe that we could capture the screens of the movie and create the panels for the comic.

We could apply a filter in Photoshop and convert the images into drawings.

Would you be interested in my help?

Congratulations for you project.
Has there been any movement on this? It would be a great time to see it as Shrunken Head Studios will be releasing a line of Creepshow statues and figures very soon!
Darth Saber, I remember seeing Creepshow in the theater when I was 12. It was my first horror film. I think the work you are doing is a wonderful thing, and I thank you for it. If I can be of help in any way, message me. If you decide to offer the front and back of Creepshow, I am 100% interested.
thought you might like these, darth saber.


Hi all

I was wondering if anyone has these 6 covers - i`d be very grateful for any help in locating these, im a huge Creepshow fan :-D and would love these 6 front and back covers as a prop

Thanks again
tom Savinis cousin (brother?) sells all versions of the comic with any cover you want.
i bought the one with the cover the kid is reading in movie and the cover where the scene feeze frames at the end and turns into the comic.

and ifnyoure interested he also sells a replica of the ashtray that Granthams daughter smashes her father head with (the ashtray is seen in all of the stories btw)
ill see if i can find his email address.
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