"Conan the Barbarian" Jason Momoa SPOILERS

I'm confused.So,is the NEW Conan movie worth seeing, or is it a complete waste of time and money?Will I walk out of the theater P*^$!@#$ed off or will I want to get my money back inside of a half hour?
JPolacchi, nobody can answer that for you. There is plenty of people who have hated this movie even more than Wolverine Origins. Then, there is also people who have loved it way more than the original ones. So, if you're really that eager to know if you'll like the movie o not, go and see it. If you really don't care about the movie or Conan, wait for the dvd. After all, I'm sure we would not be talking about this movie at all if it wasn't for the title.
You know the Arnold movie was supposed to be his first real adventure. His origin if you will. So he would not know a bunch of languages yet. But the Narrator does say "language and writing was made known to him."

Well aware of that. I was merely pointing out that by the time ArnieConan had taken his billionth step around the wheel of pain HowardConan had already been on adventures, learned different cultures, etc, and not because he was a good pit fighter and rewarded for his deeds. He was a self made barbarian not a captive on a leash.
I loooove how the people who saw this movie are trying to spin it up. I was only vaguely familiar with Conan thanks to Buscema. So, for me, the only Conan I know is Arnold. I haven't even cracked the Robert E Howard books. Now, from the descriptions people have given about Conan via the books, it could easily be Arnold...to me.

I may see this at a bargain basement matinee and the one huge killing factor...for me...is Momoa. Like Mic, I have seen his "work" and am totally underwhelmed.
Wife and I saw this Saturday afternoon (only 2nd time we've been to the theater in nearly two years), and enjoyed it. Cinematic masterpiece? No, but we were entertained. I certainly wouldn't call myself a Conan expert, but have read Howard's books, and thought Momoa did, in general, a good job and looked closer to what I had in mind from the books than Arnold.
My biggest criticisms of the film are the instantly forgettable soundtrack. The original soundtrack is as memorable as any big, epic blockbuster soundtrack ever. And the directing.

Saying this was anywhere near as bad as Scorpion King or Dungeons and Dragons was a stretch. I've never read any Robert E. Howard, but perhaps I should. I don't know whether it's swords and sandals or swords and sorcery. I don't necessarily care for the supernatural elements like witches, ascending to godhood or sand warriors, but maybe they existed in the original novels and it's just not my cup of tea. The fact is, this is far better than either the sequel movie, Conan the Destroyer, or the other in-universe movie, Red Sonja.

I thought Momoa was a good fit as Conan, I just wish this were made by a more competent director. I'd chalk this up to a guilty pleasure movie like the original Clash of the Titans or Krull or The Beastmaster. Not what I wanted, which was something equal to Conan The Barbarian (1982).
My guess is, if it makes a profit be it in the box office, dvd sales or pay per-view or Net Flix rentals they'll brave another Conan film somwhere inside of the next 2-3 years.I might just see a matinee to satisfy my curiosity.
It's tanking pretty bad so far, I don't think they can drag this over the 90 million mark with only a 10 million domestic weekend take.
CONAN taking in 10 on 4500 and FRIGHT NIGHT taking in 8.3 on 4600 doesn't make me want to release genre movies in August from My Imaginary Studio, that's for sure.
Okay went and saw it in 3D and I have to say a couple things:

First 3D is not bad,certainly much better then the crap they tried to call 3D back in the late 80's!

Second-I liked the film,one of the best attempts at a real Conan yet,not some epic movie but certainly enjoyable and way better then the joke that was the 80's swing at it.

Take a shot,shut your brain down and have a ball.

I watched it and right after the beginning (which was cool) the rest of the movie spiraled down way down. That is not Conan seriously it was an okay movie not good not great just okay. That mamoa or whatever his name is......is not Conan now nor ever. To some people he may be awesome to me he was a joke as Conan each to their own opinion I guess.

That was not a Conan movie. Pathfinder was better and I hate that movie also.
Saw this with my brother on sunday and it had both good and bad points.
Good Points: First Jason Momoa is a way better Conan than Arnold IMHO, don't get me wrong Arnold was good because he was huge, but Momoa is a better actor and isn't as robotic with his action.
Second: The beginning when Conan was a kid was cool (as seen in the trailer).
Third: The fight scenes were well choreographed.
Fourth: The Casting was fairly well done (I am so glad the canned the Rose as Red Sonja plan)
Alright now the bad:
There wasn't enough violence, yep not enough. When you make a movie like Conan there should be a checklist. e.g. Conan must: Cut someone in half vertically, Cut someone in half at the waist, decapitate 10 people, kill a monster, pull someones arm off, inflict 3-5 compound fractures, do a really hot chick etc. Some of these were checked some not.
The swords looked like they were NERF
My last point is more about 3D, man what a waste of time. I didn't have the option to see it in 2 D, so I had to don the stupid glasses and suffer through the lack luster of 3 D. Until they have the tech to actually put me in the middle of a movie, 3D should be shelved.
This thread reeks of pre-viewing bias coloring the opinions of the posters before they've even seen the opening credits.

Who knew Conan the Barbarian would be so polarizing?