If Conan walked into a room with us...
There should be a massive presence, a strong sense that
this guy is not of our time.
"He stood like an image of the unconquerable primordial" -REH
There should be a sense of an extinct race.
"The origins of the Cimmerians stretch back to the Thurian Age. The Cimmerians are the descendants of colonists from Atlantis. Living on the main Thurian continent, the colonists survived the great cataclysm which submerged Atlantis and destroyed most of the Thurian civilizations. The survivors, at this point reduced to a stone-age level of sophistication, eventually found themselves locked in multigenerational warfare with survivors of a Pictish colony. This prolonged conflict caused the Atlanteans to further devolve into little more than ape-men. With no memory of their history or even of language and civilization itself, these beings eventually redeveloped into a people known as Cimmerians."
They fought their way back tooth and nail from a near beastworld existance and conquered their way back onto the map of human existance.
Conan is the product of all that.
Arnolds funky shaped head and that accent worked enough at the time,
and I was not versed in the character then.
It is now thirty years on from then.
I have much higher expectations as much as I love the Milius film.
This Momoa guy is not even possible for me to imagine as the character.
It's a major fail from the second I saw him.
Manscara and all the savagery that Chippendale's can muster.
Today this is possible......
Why not???!!!!