Commissioned Trek Comm build


Sr Member
FreddieK was the first one to ask me to build them a communicator last January. He spent the better part of last year hunting down the right stopwatch and now its resting comfortably in one of Dennis' kits with a hallmark chirp to go with it. He wanted an idealized/polished comm. I played around with a new wide angle lens on a couple of the photos.

Heres a quicktime video of the stopwatch and chirp in action





And replied. I love how you got all the little things right, like the slight bend inward of the brass wire before it goes into the hinge wheels. Did you offset the jewels and knobs to match alpha?
Very nice! The Trek Comm is the prop that got me started in this hobby. I wanted one SO badly as a kid growing up in the '70s.
I cant wait to do my Alpha.

Ill do the STOP WATCH..but I keep debating about electronics.

Shot on a Panasonic Lumix DMC FZ18 with a wide angle lens attachment. Only 8mp but for web content it does the trick.
I'm going to pretend like all of that nonsense jargon you just wrote made any sort of sense to me. All I know is that is takes pretty pictures.
In what ways does this model differ from the kit offered by I haven't done all my homework yet on this prop and have yet to add a decent replica of it to my collection. I have one of those hidden calculator replicas sold a few years back, before DST started selling thiers. is a replica originally made for the DS9 episode Trials and Tribbleations. Nice, but not accurate. This kit is cast off of a real screen used comm so it's spot on.