Since the lens has a nice curve to it, would window tinting film stick to it?
I'd bypass on the tint film for a couple of reasons.
Even the slightest curve will fight you tooth and nail to lay flat w/o creasign or bubbling and I was told by guys who install tint for a living that they don't cover plastic, only glass, because plastic seeps gaseous fumes that can bubble up under the film.
I used window tint for my Captain Avenger visor with mixed results.
Here's the original:
And here's my finished one with blue window tint:
I fought with that film, and I kid you not, for almost TWO HOURS to get it to finally lay down halfway decent and I STILL had a crease right above the bridge of my nose and two spots where there was just enough of a weird convergence of curves that it would never lay down.
I had to keep sneaking off, pulling out my ATM card and use it to push down the bubbles...but that only lasted about 10 mins.
I also sampled the Tamiya "transparent", but transparent is in the eye of the beholder. It's not opaque, but you sure can't see thru it, and it ain't "clear".
I've heard from a few sources that the Rit method is the way to go, and when I get a chance, I'm gonna strip the window tint off and try again.
Good luck and be sure to let us know how you make out!