Classic BSG - Colonial Snub Laser Pistol - Completed!

Re: Classic BSG - Colonial Snub Laser Pistol

looking good man!! Way to transform a junker to somethign unique and very cool!!!
Re: Classic BSG - Colonial Snub Laser Pistol


Looks Real Nice !! Can't wait to see more pictures. I remember somewhere seeing a picture of a WW-II pilot with a shoulder hostler were you thinking of such for this pistol???


I always like the pilot/shoulder holster idea. I did a custom X-wing pilot costume with a shoulder holster and blaster about ten years ago. The old WWII show from the 70's, Blacksheep Squadron was my influence.

Good luck with the rest of the build.
Re: Classic BSG - Colonial Snub Laser Pistol

I've been trooping since the show came out and that has never happened with mine

The Laser Pistols were notorious for falling out of their Kydex holsters and breaking. Alot of costumers go with leather for a more snug fit!

Re: Classic BSG - Colonial Snub Laser Pistol

Need some advice...

I have a lot of "grit" that I would like to sand away. SOme of it is in really tight spaces. Does anyone have any recommendations on how to get some sandpaper in there to kick it off?

I was thinking about getting a popsicle stick and gluing some paper to the edge, but I dont know if that would work.

Any ideas appreciated!

Re: Classic BSG - Colonial Snub Laser Pistol

Emory boards like ladies use for doing their nails. I use them for building models (When I actually have the time) and when I used to work on guns I would use the emory board for fine adjusting of sears on BP Revolver kits.
Re: Classic BSG - Colonial Snub Laser Pistol

OK... I tried the Emory boards, and got a lot of the fuzziness off the pistol.
Here is a pic as it stands. Boy there are deep sections to the Laser Pistol!


You can see how she has no straight likes in the pic. I sanded down all the areas I could, and she still has high areas! Lucky she will be painted matt black! :)

Hope to get a thin layer of primer on, and some paint so she's done.

Anyone know what color the hand grip is?

Re: Classic BSG - Colonial Snub Laser Pistol

OK. Took me a little longer than I planned, but I finally put the finishing touches on my OBG Colonial Snub Laser Pistol.

I found myself in the city and after dropping into a modelling store, picked up the Tamiya paints I needed to finish it off. Im not a big fan of hand brushing paint, but I took my time, and I must say, it was not as bad as I thought it would be. :)

Maybe it was the paint, maybe the brush, but I am happy with how it came out. I made some basic mistakes, like trying to paint the whole thing at once, only to smudge one side when I flipped it over, and trying to get a perfect finish, which just messed up what I had done. Still, when I woke up this morning, I was happy with what I saw.

The castings imperfections are hidden well with the black paint, but do come up when I put some colour on it. The buttons are all misshaped, and that is highlighted with a lighter colour. I also saw some pinholes I missed, very small, but I know they are there.

The part I would love to go back and fix is the power meter on the top, which is just misshaped. I saw someone on the board use a dremel to remove debris, and would love to try and use that technique to fix the meter up. Anyone got any hints?

Other than that, I think this project is done. After the years I put into it, I realise I put far to much work into getting something to look better than it ever would, but I remember showing it to someone and they hated the idea. I'm glad I kept with it. I also realised why this casting was so bad. It was made with fibreglass laminating resin. :( No detail, no good...

Here are the final pics...



Let me know what you think.

- Skyler101

P.S. - On a side note, this marks the very first solo completed RPF project for me. While I have been a member here for a long time, I usually build with others, which I love doing. Painting was something I always liked to hand over to someone else, and well... when you wait for others, it never gets done. :)
Looking good man, I replied to your PM, let me know if you still need something.

But I do love the design! Have you decided on the holster?
I do love the design! Have you decided on the holster?

LOL... I need a uniform first, and to fix up my existing gunbelt! :)

Have not worked out anything yet. Being in Australia, surplus stuff rarely turns up around here, but I'll keep looking.

Really need to work out some display for it. Hate for her to sit in the bottom of a box after all this work!

Thinking of getting some sort of stand so I can display this piece. Anyone know of anything off the shelf, or have any suggestions?

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