Captain Jack, Mark 3 costume pics.

Thanks all, going from being Batman to Jack has been a much more better experience. :lol Not to mention being able to move better. :)

Great tat acosplaylife4me. I decided to get mine more like the part 1 look, since that is really the only one we see close-up in the movies. With the bird facing away from his body and a slightly different design then the real one Johnny got after the first movie. Next up I'm getting the P brand put on my arm, except it will be done with white tattoo ink, surrounded by shaded blood groove. For the most part it won't be too visible, but will be visible enough to look like a real branding.

The last three years of being Jack has been such a great time in my life and being Jack is such a stress reliever, not to mention all of the great friends I've met...and of coarse the various bonny lasses I've met...especially my lovely girfriend, these tattoo's will always remind me of this time of my life:
Yeah, since I'm a girl, I wanted the tat Johnny has, not the SA one. :D I've heard of people talking about getting the brand but as a tat, but haven't seen it done yet. You'll have to show us when you get it!
Your gf is very pretty!
/\ Easy there Jodo! You are starting to sound desperate and you may have to start portraying the whelp!!!

I briefly met Monique at DLR and she was very nice Jants. And yes too bad she doesn't have a twin sister named Unique!
Thanks all. Much appreciated. I will definitely post pics when I get the P brand tattoo. Should be sometime next month. As for Mo, hands off mates! She's my peanut! :lol Newest pictures, scrapped the rest of the pics that were done pre-vest modding (other then the ones at the beginning), but did the same poses for these:









Great job on everything, Jants! I really like the last set of photos, some of those poses really capture the true spirit of Jack Sparrow!
I'm just about to dive into the Jack Sparrow costuming thing and you're definitely a big inspiration! :)
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