C-3PO K-3PO and R-3PO


Sr Member
PS. More Photos on Page 2.

Hello all members. I just wanted to show of the latest two lifesize units we did.
Note these can be altered to become wearable costumes.

R-3PO Hoth Hangar Protocol Droid as seen in ESB


Bellow Reffrence.

Bellow Reffrence.


C-3PO (This you all have seen before)

SWEET.... Those look great. I like the red one from the Hoth Hanger.

Thanks for sharing

heh... K3P0 just needs some white tape around his ankles :)

Originally posted by czjxm7@Jan 18 2006, 05:17 PM
Thank you guys.... For all of your information. These C3PO's were made in the intention of beeing wearable. These can be made in Rubber material very similar to the Ridic Armor that some people own. The rubber is very firm and does not loose shape or detail. We can chrome this material if wanted and it will not Break because the chrome is flexible. We can also color the rubber in the wanted color.
RED, WHITE, BLACK, EVEN GOLD but it will not shine as good so i advice to weather the versions that are colored.
Also this will give you more comfort while wearing and you will not risk anything Breaking. Or it can all be done in Glassfiber.
heh... K3P0 just needs some white tape around his ankles

Ahh well... Thats a bit complex.... I am not sure what tape they used... Do you know the brand?? :love :lol :D

Damn... I never saw that before.... Anyway..
I BETT if i had aplied Tape to the unit and deliverd it like that I WHOULD get in big problems :D
This is what i mean about accuracy...... If i do it i will get killed. If i dont ... Some ******* :D (Just Kidding) comments on it :p
Great work.

I just wanted to add that I had the privilege of seeing a real suit up close (Cingular Wirless Commercial) and noticed that the "pants" section was made out of a rubber material. Every thing else appeared to be made out of a harder material; probably fiberglass.

I recall Daniels keeping his arms in a vertical position to avoid breaking the torso piece.
Yes your are indeed correct. You can in fact se it VERY CLEARLY on the Photo of C3PO beside K3PO. You will se the Pant of the K3PO Bending over the leg if you look at the pic above. This shows they used Rubber for the Pant.
But they did have a Stunt C3PO in rubber.

All I am saying is that we can make it in rubber or in glassfiber or a mix.
But if chromed and its rubber parts we do advice that its done all with the Rubber chrome because if its done with normal chrome method then the rubber and the chrome will break.

All I want people to know is that the Rubber version detail wise will look as good as a glassfiber version. But with the Rubber version you will have to fear of breaking parts because if you hit something it will not crack or break. Also if you put to much tension in one area because you try to stop a fall or a incident the flexibility of the Rubber will allow you to move with allot more movement instead of restricting you. If you also look at this version you will se that the size of the parts are proportioned correctly and is not like the Disney version.
Excellent work TMP, they look great. Wouldn't mind having one of those standing in my living room... would be even more cool if it actually worked. :)

Though, one thing I noticed - not just on yours - but only C-3POs shin is silver or chrome, not also the foot. You can see what I mean in the picture you posted with C-3PO and the white protocol droid in the first post. It's a common mistake many make when painting their C-3POs, I have noticed many do it. Not a critique, just an observation.

Keep up the good work. Very impressive.
Actually, sometimes in the OT his foot is silver, too. They were inconsistent.

Nice droids..
Like my fellow partner above said is correct.
There are allot of photos were the foot is silver its also silver in some parts of the movie....

If you want the foot Gold i can fix it... :p