bust molding questions...


Sr Member
ok - I'm about to order some rubber for molding a bust - but I've never done it before and have a couple questions... 1) how much will I need? and 2) what is the typical method for molding? Just make a solid block around it, then cut it in half when it hardens? Its just a simple head/shoulder/chest sculpt - with no real complicated parts. Anyway, any guidance would be much appreciated!
That was very helpful! However, will this method work with a bust made from non-drying clay? It seems like the original sculpt would get very distorted before the first couple layers dried...
Very helpful as well - thank you both!

Now I just need to know how much I will need... anyone whose done a full size bust able to give me an estimate?
another question - will I need to the sealer described as the first step in the video with clay?
I would learn how to do a two piece matrix mold. What kind of rubber are you planning to mold with? Latex takes absolutely forever to build up so I hope you're not going the cheap way.
actually I was just going to buy everything listed in the smooth-on video that TK648 listed above... its just in that video they appear to be molding an already rigid bust - so I didnt know what difference that would make, if any...
and the "how much do I need?" calculator doesnt seem to be there for the brush-on 40 that I was gonna use... someone must be able to tell me - will 1 gallon be enough for four layers? Or am I way off? Like I said, I've never done this before...
I use Smooth-on's MoldMax 20 ($100 with shipping) with thi-vex to thicken outer layers. For a life sized bust, you'll need to buy a gallon which may be a little bit more than you need depending on the sculpt, but it's better to have too much than not enough.

My best advice is not to get cheap with the mold material and go too thin and watch for airbubbles between layers especially if you're thickening it.
no, I'm definitely willing to spend whatever I need for it to come out right - I just want to make sure I order enough... how many layers do you normally put on? The video showed 4 - should a gallong be enough for that?