Buck Rogers props


Well-Known Member
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Does anyone have screen caps of the various blasters that were seen on Buck Rogers? I acquired a prop similar to this one in this thread - http://www.therpf.com/showthread.php?t=8567&highlight=buck+rogers

I will post pics later, but it looks almost identical to this one - Television Props - Ray Gun Type #5

Note: The last link was working prior to me submitting this thread. It all of the sudden stopped working. Hopefully its a server problem.

Oooo! I've seen that before- it's an old cigarette lighter of some kind. They show up on eBay every once in awhile. Way cool design! :)

[EDIT] Here's a pic-


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thats the Match-o-matic Gas lighter.
the valve in it was used in the Logans run guns in a modified version.
it was cut down and used as W episodes.
i have two of them.
the type #5 gun is it in its BR configuration.

john :cool
I saw one on ebay a few weeks ago. It looked just like that one.

there may have been an original metal one on the show but later they used a solid resin copy in some episodes.
the resin ones had a square trigger guard and some had a bump added to the right rear side.

i had a lot of pics in my old comp that crashed.

john :cool
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Here is the a picture. Its identical to the Ray Gun # 5 that I posted on the first post.
