Buck Rogers pistol


Well-Known Member
I have one of the other styles of laser pistol used in Buck Rogers, but how about the style below? Anyone ever produce a run of these? I know in the series they were seen in both black and gold versions.
Yup. They're out there. They crop up on eBay every so often, but he castings are usually pretty soft and warped. Its almost worth it to get the kit and then use it for reference to build up your own from scratch!

It doesn't look like it would be the hardest thing in the world to scratch build.

Might have to keep that in mind :).

The barrel was some kind of bottle I remember reading. See how it flairs out behind the emitter. I'm trying to make one of the tiny palm pistols myself.
The tip reminds me of a single point scope and the grip may be the same one used for the Cylon pistol from Galactica 1980.

I wouldn't mind getting one of these myself.
I have one of the other styles of laser pistol used in Buck Rogers, but how about the style below? Anyone ever produce a run of these? I know in the series they were seen in both black and gold versions.

I think board member RunRunner may have these available.
The grip looks like it came from a found item too , anyone ever found out ? Loved these at the time especially as they lit up as well :eek:)
I saw a closeup photo of an emitter once. It is a length of clear plastic, either Plexiglas, or Lucite with a slight taper, and holes drilled into it to conduct light from the photo flash tube. The one I saw had three holes in it.

It's passable but by no means accurate.

How do you know the difference? (Ever about any kit - the artist makes the best master he can based on the available source material - unless a stunt or screen used master is available - the rest is best guess.) :confused

I bought twelve different versions of the Babylon 5 PPG - each time I was thinking I was getting the most accurate prop available only to find out they were inaccurate. After more than ten years i finally found an aluminum acurate reproduction - on this forum - a week ago! :love ( THANKS GUYS)

Sometimes I will take a close proximation - I would just like to know what I am getting. I learn more as I go. :confused

I liked the Buck Rogers props - I would love to have the accurate source material. The Kit pic posted looks cool even if a few details are slightly off. :thumbsup
This is my favorite Laser from the series. And generally speaking, I dod like the weapons and ships (just not a fan of some of the spandex ;) lol

I wouldn't mind one of them.
Here are a few reference pics of a couple of Buck Rogers Props:

I only wished I owned them. These are just reference Buck Rogersa pics from years of scouring the far corners of the net to find the material. I have a reference image library. I am just sharing the material with the RPF. If anyone owns a prop they don't want to posted - let me know and I will take it down. I would credit the pics if I knew where I got them. I just collected everything Buck Rogers I coul find. Never thought anyone would be interested but me at the time.


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There are many cool Buck Rogers Weapons. Not many survived the years. Here are a few more archived pics. :love
I would like a season one Buck Hero blaster. This from a guy who sold off virtually everything else he owns props wise. My dad and I played at Buck Rogers and he was a GREAT Kane. This'd be something super cool to have. I'd also be interested in the belt and other greeblies.

Nice pix all !