BSG pistol kit


Sr Member
I bought this resin kit from Wilco Models and finished it between projects. Although it has no moving parts, I think it turned out pretty good.


Besides the general cleanup that you find on any resin kit, I made some modifications to more closely match the images I found from the recent auctions.

I scribed a new grip line connecting the front and back grip panels so the brown paint would be trapped.


The kit came with a resin dome to put in the grenade launcher but I heard of other people using airgun cartridges instead. I found a used up one and cautiously removed the seal with a nail to make sure all the air was gone (it was). I then hacksawed the tip off.


I drilled the hole a bit deeper and then epoxied in the new tip. I also corrected the angle of the launcher where it meets the trigger guard and replaced the socket screws with real ones.


The whole gun was painted with Testors Metalizer Gun Metal, the grip Burnt Sienna and then weathered with black wash and silver scuffs.
Came out looking nicely! The subtle weathering is almost Matsuo-esque as well...

Side note, I really wish the "new" BSG had came up with "new" weapon designs; the TOS blaster was the shiznit made out of umpteen different original and model kit parts... the new one is still just a FN Five Seven pistol with a "similar to a hacked apart MP5 handgrip" grenade launcher, no creativity or thought to a real world purpose to it...

OK, slight rant off... Still nice!
Great paint job! I like your modification and will probably do the same with my Wilco kit.
Loving this buildup! I really want to do one with removable ordinance - but I need to get some decent screencaps of the grenades. Thanks for sharing!

Came out looking nicely! The subtle weathering is almost Matsuo-esque as well...

Side note, I really wish the "new" BSG had came up with "new" weapon designs; the TOS blaster was the shiznit made out of umpteen different original and model kit parts... the new one is still just a FN Five Seven pistol with a "similar to a hacked apart MP5 handgrip" grenade launcher, no creativity or thought to a real world purpose to it...

OK, slight rant off... Still nice!

Yeah, I'm with you there. It would have taken little to no effort to integrate the grenade launcher into the pistol or add some sort of shroud, like they did on SPace: Above and Beyond.

That been said, I've learned to accept it for what it is. I now love the FN (but not as much as the Clamshell which I'll be building next),
I have a Wilco. Your casting looks better than mine. Did you have to do any major cleanup on the muzzle? Mine's a mess...but then again, I only paid $20 for it.

I tossed the included rocket launcher, and upgraded it with a Matsuo one. The Wilco launcher is just all sorts of ugly, though with a bit of shaving and sanding, one can make it accurate.

Yours, however, looks fantastic! Your subtle weather is especially nice. Great job.
I have a Wilco. Your casting looks better than mine. Did you have to do any major cleanup on the muzzle? Mine's a mess...but then again, I only paid $20 for it.

There were some spots that were pretty messy...I suspect the mold is past its expiration date. I actually replaced the interior barrel with a brass tube so it must have been in bad shape.
Was this casting solid resin? The one I have has reasonable detail but is hollow black resin. I was wondering what to use for a "grenade" tip. We can't get Airsoft guns here so don't know where I'd get one of those cannisters. I did have thoughts of using a "soda" bulb as used in the old soda syphons. I don't know though if it is big enough in diameter. Mine just has a hole where it would be with no grenade tip.

I bought this resin kit from Wilco Models and finished it between projects. Although it has no moving parts, I think it turned out pretty good.

The whole gun was painted with Testors Metalizer Gun Metal, the grip Burnt Sienna and then weathered with black wash and silver scuffs.
I've got an airsoft FN-57 that I've been meaning to make into a replica of the blaster (trying to figure out the size and correct shape of the launcher is a bit of a challenge though). So, seeing this is a great. You definitely did an excellent job at painting it.
Was this casting solid resin? The one I have has reasonable detail but is hollow black resin. I was wondering what to use for a "grenade" tip. We can't get Airsoft guns here so don't know where I'd get one of those cannisters. I did have thoughts of using a "soda" bulb as used in the old soda syphons. I don't know though if it is big enough in diameter. Mine just has a hole where it would be with no grenade tip.

Are you in the U.K.? If so you can just get a NO2 canister for whipping cream, they're the same. Also you should read this if you have issues with the pistol styling.
Nice work, the Wilco is not a very good casting (the recasts are horrid) the trigger connected to the guard is the worst.

Nice job with the paint and scribe line. I have avoided the scribe line in mine along with the metallic weathering since the gun is all polymer on the outside. The several builds I have done have had cold cast slides however. I still have 3 more on the shelf to finish, all delux matsuo casts with metal barrels and moving parts.