BSG 1978 Theatrical Pilot Blu-Ray

Sure, it could be cleaned up of specks and dirt, and the colors adjusted, but composited effects are generations away from the original negatives of each element, so they'd never look as good as what they were able to do with SW and ST:TNG.

I'm sure that they could clean up matte lines and rigging that accidentally shows. If they really wanted to take the time and money they could probably roto some of the effects shots and do a little sharpening and tweaking of the contrast some but you're right though, it almost certainly wouldn't be as good as if they had the original negatives to work with.
Correct- in the film there is a tight shot of the Centurians drawing their swords and a quick cut of Baltar screaming while his head is "tilted upward" (to suggest they cut his head off)---

However in the series, as the Centurians draw their swords, the close shot of the sword is shown only being drawn half way out of its scabbard- the Imperious Leader says something like "Not yet, (Baltar could be of some use to us, we'll kill him later etc)"... And Baltar becomes a recurring character in the series.

I'm definately hoping for some cleaning of the effects and sharpening the look. IF they could release a dual original version/Special Edition then I am ok with replacing the effects for the series and movie. but the ORIGINAL needs to be included.

If this happens then I would be very excited to see the removal of stock effects and creating unique effects for every story.
Picked it up today. Definitly the best it's ever looked. Some noticeable grain during the sequence of the cylon tankers in the clouds, but you can really pick out the details on the models. Some extras would have been nice, but over all very pleased.
Love the "Sensurround". They use a lot of very low freququency bass. Very noticeable during the attack on the Atlantia. People in the next room thought we were having a thunderstorm.
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