Animation fans, check this out. “Lackadaisy” pilot

Good share, should've thought of doing that. Saw it the day it came out (luckily, as I had never heard of the project). It's terrific!
One thing that struck me is the attention to correct detail is amazing. The .45 1911 was on the money. Someone did their homework. If anyone is a car expert of that era I would not be surprised if they noticed too.
Boy, was I impressed with this pilot. I'm not really a fan of anthropomorphic animals beyond Looney Tunes, but have them smuggling booze, smoking, drinking, and shooting guns? Ya got me. And shorts? Animation is perfect for shorts, moreso than live-action.

I love animation (I've dabbled in traditional animation and come from a background of illustration/cartoons) and it was a real joy to see traditional 2D make use of all the tools now freely available to full effect. This short is gorgeous. There's a lot of 2D shortcuts now used in productions to speed up the process and you can see this in the final result. As much as I love Tartakovsky's Primal, there's a lot of digital squishing and stretching of separate elements instead of animating on 1's (a new drawing per every frame for 24 frames a second). It's faster and more efficient but it looks synthetic in a way; too smooth. This may have used digital alerting of initial line art per frame, but there's a jerkiness here of individual different drawings that sells the fluidity more than the smooth inbetweening offered with the digital squishing and stretching and I'm so glad stuff like this is being done, even if independently.

Animation isn't a genre, it's a medium. It's good to see that passion for this art alive and well, and practiced without pandering or condescending its audience. I hope this gets the attention it deserves to be backed by a larger entity to make this into a series of some sort, even if a limited. The standard that this pilot is playing to is a high one, and later installments will have to match it.
Their campaign to fund more, they are doing really well so far....

"We have a chance to help establish the new normal. We don't just want to do this, we want to prove it can be done."

of $125,000 (USD) goal
days left

"Animation is expensive, and far too often, treated with disdain by its own platforms. Traditionally, the only studios that can afford to produce entire animated series have been tied in some way to large corporations; large corporations that finance productions in return for control and copyright. And those large corporations don't always have a series' best interests at heart.

We don't want that for Lackadaisy. We want to retain ownership, direction, and oversight, and that's usually a dealbreaker for corporate financing. We want to make more of what millions of viewers have already come to love about our animation. And beyond that? We feel we've come to the fore at a potentially critical moment for the future of independent animation.

We have a chance to help establish the new normal. We don't just want to do this, we want to prove it can be done. And to do that, we're going to need your help."
I saw this a few days ago, it makes me genuinely so happy to see quality 2D animation again.
Cats, guns,smoking,bootlegging, sassy dancing...yup good ! this is how things where before mass brain sanitation ! Let's see a wolf with a big hat lusting after a lady cat ! Also he must whistle and foam at the mouth and do boggle eyes !
Cats, guns,smoking,bootlegging, sassy dancing...yup good ! this is how things where before mass brain sanitation ! Let's see a wolf with a big hat lusting after a lady cat ! Also he must whistle and foam at the mouth and do boggle eyes !
Also his tongue must loll out, hit himself on the head and make ahooga horn noise !
Over $2M in pledges as it ended. Course they have to make stuff to ship to the backers of the various levels, books, pins, plushies, etc. not sure how much cuts into that 2M but I did not expect that. I tell ya Id much rather fall in love with something studios can’t cancel. Some of my favorites that got canned… “Final Space”, “Invader Zim”, “Lucy Daughter of the Devil.”
Over $2M in pledges as it ended. Course they have to make stuff to ship to the backers of the various levels, books, pins, plushies, etc. not sure how much cuts into that 2M but I did not expect that. I tell ya Id much rather fall in love with something studios can’t cancel. Some of my favorites that got canned… “Final Space”, “Invader Zim”, “Lucy Daughter of the Devil.”
Nice ! Let's not allow the big studios to get their mits anywhere near this one !