Predatorium Brand new site, same great community

LOL... Wait... you were watching whole forums?!?!? Hahahahahahaha... sorry. No wonder you were pissed and getting overrun with notices!
Howja do it buddy?

Well, after unchecking everything that had to do with messages (everything Art mentioned as well as a few more things) I just unwatched everything (all the forums, threads, posts etc) and added this place to my spam folder. No more messages on my main email, but my spam folder has been filling up fast. Sad to have to do it this way, but it doesn't seem like the problem is enough of a bother to anyone else to worry about it. Meh...

The easiest way to do it , without receiving any emails , at the bottom of the email you receive there is a option not to receive any emails at all .. Just click on it , it directs you back to the site ,, simple as that :D

LOL... Wait... you were watching whole forums?!?!? Hahahahahahaha... sorry. No wonder you were pissed and getting overrun with notices!

Well, Brian... that is about as disengenous as a statement could be...

Because your heartfelt reply posted last evening (quoted above to refresh your memory) just filled me with so many warm fuzzies I couldn't help myself. I understand that I may not be the smartest computer guy in the world, but being made to feel small by staff that supposedly are wanting to help is really just tactless. As I posted a time or two, or 3, or who knows how many times I tried all the things you and everyone else said. Still had the problem. Felt like I was being a bother to you so decided to do what I could to stop getting bombarded by emails from here. Sorry if my reply offends you or anyone else... I was replying to a question that was asked of me. No need to worry about it anymore, I took care of the problem myself.

Art you say you want yo get this place back to where it was. With an attitude like that no wonder people are dropping like flys.

You want us to flood back and make this place as it was but I have seen over previous months you treat people like ******* idiots just because we're not all as computer savvy as you are.

I know you also don't have to be friends with anyone. But the way you come across more times than I care to remember stinks. You wanted to run this place.

It's starting to feel more and more like your way or the highway. So to speak.
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I just have very little patience for someone whom I reached out to and tried to help yet is choosing to play the victim publicly as if his concerns were being ignored. It smacks of insincerity and unnecessary drama.

With that being said, you are right that I could use a bit more of a light touch. In general, I do not think people are idiots. This is all new software with features and settings in new areas. As we have said, there are bound to be issues that we will need to work through... together.
I have discovered the problem. None of my preferences are being saved. Now, before anything is said I have clicked EVERY button that gives me the option to save before clicking off the window. Every time I log on here it goes back to me watching EVERY forum, sub forum, and post, and to receive email messages when there's any activity. All my preferences are reset every time i log out and back in.

That being said, I do appreciate the effort you made (Art) trying to help, but I kept telling you here and in private messages that I had done everything you suggested. I'm sorry you think I'm insincere, but that's your problem, not mine. There was absolutely no intention of causing drama; again, not my problem. I answered a question that was asked of me, simple as that. If you found the comment "disengenous" I can assure you, that was not my intention. I would ask in the future to please either keep your condescending replies to yourself, or at least do it in private, and pleas don't think you know my motives, because I can assure you I have none.

Now, maybe my discovering what the problem is (for me at least) it could be looked at and solved.

With all sincerity and no drama...


Edit: I re-read the post you replied to Art and can see where it comes off dickish. That was not my intention and have to own my own ****. I do appologize and will try and word things in a different manner from here on out.
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I have discovered the problem. None of my preferences are being saved. Now, before anything is said I have clicked EVERY button that gives me the option to save before clicking off the window. Every time I log on here it goes back to me watching EVERY forum, sub forum, and post, and to receive email messages when there's any activity. All my preferences are reset every time i log out and back in.

Yeesh. OK, that is not good. What OS and what browser are you using? Let me see if I can recreate the issue. Also, are you using any adblockers, popup blockers or extensions with your browser that in any way modifiers the behavior of pages?
I just have very little patience for someone whom I reached out to and tried to help yet is choosing to play the victim publicly as if his concerns were being ignored. It smacks of insincerity and unnecessary drama.

With that being said, you are right that I could use a bit more of a light touch. In general, I do not think people are idiots. This is all new software with features and settings in new areas. As we have said, there are bound to be issues that we will need to work through... together.

Fares fare Art. Line in the sand time lets move forward and all agree to try and resolve issues in a more civil way. I apologies for the way I come across this morning and I have always thanked and help given.

I know you've got some demons with people, let's please try and keep the Predatorium as fun as its always been for me.
Yeesh. OK, that is not good. What OS and what browser are you using? Let me see if I can recreate the issue. Also, are you using any adblockers, popup blockers or extensions with your browser that in any way modifiers the behavior of pages?

Checked it again when I logged back in this time and it's still the same as before. I've tried it on Windows XP, Windows 7, and Windows 8. Tried IE, Chrome (my default), and Firefox. Will try later on my daughters mac. Only ad on is AdBlock, and that's only on Chrome, and I have no extensions or extra tool bars.. All results remain the same no matter if I disable the AdBlock or use a different machine/OS. I'm not sure if this might have anything to do with kicking me off the site when trying to post/reply from my phone (the issue I brought up earlier that was never responded to) or not.

I'm not sure if this might have anything to do with kicking me off the site when trying to post/reply from my phone (the issue I brought up earlier that was never responded to) or not.


I must have missed this. Please link me to that.
wonko and Lowdmekon, walk me through this. Am I correct in understanding that if you click your name at the top right and then click Preferences, you get a popup window? You then uncheck "and receive email notifications of replies" and click Save Changes which takes you back to the previous page. Are you telling me if you go into preferences again, "and receive email notifications of replies" is checked again?
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