Predatorium Brand new site, same great community

Hey everyone. Just to let you know I have made a Stylebot skin for the site if you are using google chrome. Thought I would make one for myself because I thought the site was a little on the bright side.
Of course if you have the program you can mix and match to your hearts content, its easy to do. Mine is just a basic start.
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Just a note... you are free to apply these type of mods as you see fit, but if you choose to use them, we won't be responsible for any technical issues it may cause you. We have seen this happen at the RPF again and again, so I am just letting you know now that it can be an issue. Proceed at your own risk.
Iv been using it for the last day or so and iv not had any trouble yet. There is always the button to undo at any time. :)
Now I'm not your biggest fan, Art (I assume you don't really care if one person doesn't really care for you or nor should you, I'm a small fry haha) but I'm not going into that, you have enough people butting heads with you. With that being said, I have only two issue with the site.

1: The name, maybe it just me but I feel like the name should be connected with the lore, I'm not saying stick with the lair, I don't like change haha, but I'm saying that I think it should incorporate the lore of the fandom.

2: The Bland look, you made the lair look kick ass before, I think it just bland looking now, throw in some awesome background images for the different sections, I don't know maybe a less bland look is coming in the future, it's just the first day of the new site.

I know that what I'm suggesting is easier said than done, and cost money and time. You're probably super busy too, but again not trying to be a prick or anything, just two suggestions. It's your site, you should run it your way :) Hope the new site does well and good luck!

As a side note, I think there should be more mods, not because Hunter's Moon isn't a good moderator, he's kick ass! But it must be hard for him just being the only one and with you running 3 or 4 sites, it might be a good idea. Now I'm not saying that, Oh this person should be a mod. I'm saying get some people who are respected, respectful, and a fan of the series (no duh haha) I'm also not saying, I should be one, I don't want to be one, don't want to deal with noobs haha! Maybe you and Hunter's Moon can sit down and pick some people. Again it must be hard for Hunter's moon to deal with all of the newbies! I don't know, maybe he likes being the only one, he's doing a bad ass job at it!

1: The name, maybe it just me but I feel like the name should be connected with the lore, I'm not saying stick with the lair, I don't like change haha, but I'm saying that I think it should incorporate the lore of the fandom.

I certainly understand that POV, but instead of focusing on Predator lore ("Yautja" and all of that) we wanted a name that was connected to the community's history ("Predatorium" and "Hunter's Lair" have very similar meanings) and we also wanted to get the term "Predator" in the name. In terms of lore, there seem to be a lot of costumers who don't like the lore and don't like anything attached to an "expanded universe" take on the Predator so we just avoided that entirely.

2: The Bland look, you made the lair look kick ass before, I think it just bland looking now, throw in some awesome background images for the different sections, I don't know maybe a less bland look is coming in the future, it's just the first day of the new site.

I won't argue that the look is relatively generic, but it is that way for two reasons; 1) it loads fast (important on less-than-ideal networks, like mobile) and 2) it is fairly consistant across multiple platforms. I know that isn't a very exciting answer, but being cross-platform accessible is INCREDIBLY important. That is why sites like Google and Facebook and virtually any big site is relatively generic in its look.

Now, that isn't to say we might not be able to find a few small ways to spice it up a LITTLE but you are never going to see this become something that has Predator imagery and iconography all over, again, simply because we think it is more important that the site load quickly and be accessible to everyone than for it to be loaded down with imagery.

As a side note, I think there should be more mods, not because Hunter's Moon isn't a good moderator, he's kick ass! But it must be hard for him just being the only one and with you running 3 or 4 sites, it might be a good idea. Now I'm not saying that, Oh this person should be a mod. I'm saying get some people who are respected, respectful, and a fan of the series (no duh haha) I'm also not saying, I should be one, I don't want to be one, don't want to deal with noobs haha! Maybe you and Hunter's Moon can sit down and pick some people. Again it must be hard for Hunter's moon to deal with all of the newbies! I don't know, maybe he likes being the only one, he's doing a bad ass job at it!

I appreciate the suggestion, but to be honest, there isn't even remotely enough activity within this community to justify a second mod. If Thomas asked for one, even as a backup, we'd be happy to look for one, but when one considers the unnecessary level of drama that some past mods have brought (and are still bringing), I am sure you can understand why I am not in a hurry to place too many people back in positions of authority. Thomas does a great job (as you mentioned) and until he asks for help, I am quite content for this community to have a staff of one.
Thanks dude! Totally understand and see your points! Sorry for my opening statement, realized that you're super busy and also run multiple sites, that's really hard to do. Hope that the site does well! :)
That is quite all-right. There are plenty of people who don't wear "I love Art" stickers. I am user to it. ;)

Thanks dude! Totally understand and see your points! Sorry for my opening statement, realized that you're super busy and also run multiple sites, that's really hard to do. Hope that the site does well! :)
I un-checked all the notification options and am still getting updates to threads I've posted in via email. My email is bloated enough as it is, I really have no desire to be notified every time someone posts something new in a thread I posted in. Is there something I'm missing, or is it on your end?

I un-checked all the notification options and am still getting updates to threads I've posted in via email. My email is bloated enough as it is, I really have no desire to be notified every time someone posts something new in a thread I posted in. Is there something I'm missing, or is it on your end?


As a side note, I think there should be more mods, not because Hunter's Moon isn't a good moderator, he's kick ass! But it must be hard for him just being the only one and with you running 3 or 4 sites, it might be a good idea. Now I'm not saying that, Oh this person should be a mod. I'm saying get some people who are respected, respectful, and a fan of the series (no duh haha) I'm also not saying, I should be one, I don't want to be one, don't want to deal with noobs haha! Maybe you and Hunter's Moon can sit down and pick some people. Again it must be hard for Hunter's moon to deal with all of the newbies! I don't know, maybe he likes being the only one, he's doing a bad ass job at it!


I'm actually not involved in any of the other sites. I'm solely dedicated to the Predalair. ;) When it comes to work load it doesn't get much easier than it is at the moment. Before the changes I only pushed around one or two threads a week at most. Currently, splitting up anatomy/armory is the biggest thing on my plate and I'm already sixty plus pages into a four hundred page split. I'd likely be much further along if my laptop hadn't recently died on me. So yeah, it's hard to justify anyone else. Maybe when we get another movie and people start pouring in. Who knows.
I un-checked all the notification options and am still getting updates to threads I've posted in via email. My email is bloated enough as it is, I really have no desire to be notified every time someone posts something new in a thread I posted in. Is there something I'm missing, or is it on your end?


That happened to me at first , then they just stopped o_O


wonko (and anyone else who is getting email notifications that you don't want), here is the two things you need to do.

1) If you do not want to receive email notifications for you watched threads and ONLY want alerts here on the site, click on your name at the top right of the page and click Preferences. Under Preferences uncheck the box beside "and receive email notifications of replies" under the Options section. This will stop you from getting email notifications from any threads you watch IN THE FUTURE! However, that won't stop you from getting notifications for currently watched threads. To stop getting those...

2) From the submenu near the top of the page choose Watched Threads. Click "Show all watched threads." Put a check mark by each thread in your Watched thread list. Be sure to check them all! Once they are checked, choose Manage Watched Threads at the top right and then choose "Disable email notification." You will be asked if you are sure. Choose "Save Changes." That should be it.
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