Blade Runner Inspired Office Build: Deckard's Apartment

This is my BR contribution to my office.

Here's a little peak at the weathering progress. I did a larger chunk of two column to help see it in context. It takes longer than I thought it would, haha. About 5 minutes per tile, so this is going to take FOREVER! I'm going to try a few more things to see if I can speed it up without sacrificing detail. Just a note, the Ennis tile to the left of the weathered blank tiles is jut placed there temporarily and is the same test tile seen in the previous post. I'm trying a couple of different combinations of heavy / light on the tiles and the gaps. Also trying out some random pitting and cracking. It can all be recovered with paint and do it over if I don't like it. That's what I have to keep telling myself anyway. :) Feedback and opinions are very welcome.

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A quicker and cheaper method may be to use a plastic bag in place of the paper towels. There are various methods and techniques using the plastic bag, dabbing paint on or off, bunched or flat bag, wipe or pull...
A quicker and cheaper method may be to use a plastic bag in place of the paper towels. There are various methods and techniques using the plastic bag, dabbing paint on or off, bunched or flat bag, wipe or pull...
You're right; I forgot about this technique:oops:
A quicker and cheaper method may be to use a plastic bag in place of the paper towels. There are various methods and techniques using the plastic bag, dabbing paint on or off, bunched or flat bag, wipe or pull...
Yep I tried that. The problem with this is that I don't want dark highlights. so dabbing/blotting and then wiping away doesn't provide the correct look. I really have to work the paint down deep into the pits and then wipe the excess off. A large sponge brush is proving to be the quickest for getting down in there, and then a clean wet paper towel for smoothing away the top layer.

I'm also going to try a spray bottle to mist larger areas. Weathering the top row of tiles and the upside down ones is going to prove difficult I'm sure.
OMG the spray bottle is SO MUCH FASTER!! I made some good progress on the weathering today. I was really dreading this because the first few tiles took so long. But misting it with the wash all over, then wiping it down to get it wet and let it set into the pits, then spritz it randomly and knock it back with a wadded up damp paper towel and I knocked out two walls in an hour and a half.
I'll do the gaps between the tiles with a darker brown/charcoal wash after I'm doing with all the tiles



What an amazing project!
The attention to detail and follow through is just mind blowing.
Most excellent! :love:
Thanks man! Yeah I'm trying to keep up the momentum and work on it at least a little bit every day so I don't lose steam haha. The more I get done, the more I realize I still have to do. :)

I weathered the tiles on the column today.
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