Blade Runner: Deckard's Apartment Tile


Sr Member
I got fed-up with having no tiles so I made 'em myself! :D Not super-accurate but they do the job, I think you'll agree.

Artwork took about an hour or so then just printed on heavy stock - each time varying the hue/density/lightness/contrast. :)



4.5Mb file and it's not going to be around forever. :angel

• 16 inches at 300dpi.
• Adjust 'Hue' to suit your print setup.
• Adjust contrast/brightness/saturation (small amounts) to get natural variations.
• Resize/resample to suit (10x10", 8x8" etc etc).

Don't expect super-accuracy but it's nice enough.

For personal use only - resale expressly forbidden.

Enjoy! 8)

Right Click> Save Target As...

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Great Display!! I love seeing how creative people can be with an entire movie display. I try to vary my displays from movie to movie. I don't understand when people display ONLY a blaster without any other props from the movie. Well Done!

The tiles were based on, copied from, and some scenes were filmed at the Ennis House by Frank Lloyd Wright: It has been in many movies, you got a good view of it in "The Rocketeer", were it was Timothy Dalton's house.

Terrific, Eagle! Thanks for sharing this.
I still need to try printing your Metrokab pass you showed on Propsummit as well. :)
I love it !!! That would make awesome wall paper in a den or bed room. Looks
very nice.

Some one is doing plaster replicas of that tile but I think it is small or something. Is anyone doing a 16x16 cement tile?
The Ennis House Foundation (or the previous owners/foundation) used to sell the tiles when it was called the "Ennis Brown" house. It was renamed a few years ago as just the "Ennis" house, and they stopped selling the tiles and other items in their online gift shop. :(
Photobucket Pro account has lapsed - if anyone wants a copy of the file (4.7Mb) PM me with your email address. :)

Thanks for all the compliments, btw - I do what I can when I can! :cool
i would REALLY love to have a copy of the file... i am rescaling it to 1/6 scale for the apartment set i am building... any help would be greatly appreciated.
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