Blade Runner Blaster


Sr Member
Hi All
As Blade Runner has recently been released in high def, I thought it would be a good excuse to show you my almost complete Sidkit (only taken me about a year so far):lol
just need to move switch to the side (or i may put a dummy switch there) and few tweaks here and there.
dont be too harsh as it is my first prop post





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lucky man- a lovely blaster!!!
Wish I could have one but i left it too late (UK laws).
Youve done an excellent job with the finish and assembly- Looks the nuts.
Awesome. Care to provide some details as to how you achieved the final look (finishing, paint, etc)?

P.S. Awesome.
lucky man- a lovely blaster!!!
Wish I could have one but i left it too late (UK laws).
Youve done an excellent job with the finish and assembly- Looks the nuts.

Awesome. Care to provide some details as to how you achieved the final look (finishing, paint, etc)?

P.S. Awesome.

Thanks for the kind words guys
The hardest part was getting the finish on the upper receiver to look correct. I used a combination of "blacken-it" and gun blue , alternating each application and lightly rubbing with wire wool between each coat until i was satisfied with the finish. It doesnt really show on the photos but it looks like there is a very fine layer of rust coming through
I don't want to steal the thread, but I have to accurate is the Sidkit to the screen-used prop?
That is truly awesome!!!

As for accuracy, it is not 100%, but with some modding would be quite close. Last I heard, Sid was working on a "WorldCon" version which would be screen accurate. Though, I have not heard much more on his project and am unsure if it is still alive.
I got mine after the import ban. It comes in kit form.

Mind you, my Serenity Mal came assembled.

And that is a fine looking build up and paint job!

lucky man- a lovely blaster!!!
Wish I could have one but i left it too late (UK laws).
Youve done an excellent job with the finish and assembly- Looks the nuts.

great, great work(y)thumbsup congratulation

here my version of Rick Deckard Blaster and Id Card and weapon permit, yes is not accurate color
but for me it is great réplica
