Black/Red Nike Mag Project

Cheers Cavx! Hopefully have more photo's up this weekend of the fabric, red EL and leatherette.. so long as they arrive through the post.

Update - Fabric dyed black, alongside a red shirt to see the color scheme

These are the dyes i used for the fabric (the red dye and salt is for the soles)
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Cheers Cavx! Hopefully have more photo's up this weekend of the fabric, red EL and leatherette.. so long as they arrive through the post.

Update - Fabric dyed black(alongside a red shirt to see the color scheme)

These are going to look wild. Are you doing red cuffs?
I was thinking a off black, same as the strap, still unsure if this is the best choice though.

Hopefully these will be a inspiration to projects to come in the future :)

You have me thinking now about the red cuffs, very interesting indeed!

Apparently the Black Leatherette i mentioned in one of the above posts has arrived at my house so i will take photo's and update tonight, stay tuned as i've been waiting 2 weeks for this from Italy i hope it was worth it!!
You are incredibly talented. I have no doubt these will look amazing.

Thanks! You have no idea how much of a boost I get when people let me know I am on the right track!

Let's just hope when I put all the pieces together it looks as good as I have made it sound, I can't wait to get the red EL setup this weekend (if it arrives) and get some pics up for you all to share your views with as I am grateful of every positive or negative comment I get, after all this is a tribute to Punisher, Cavx and Jedifyfe as they have all brought something spectacular to the table for this to even happen without them I would have never thought a build like this was even possible.

Edit update as i hate double posting:- super smooth Italian leatherette, really happy it has basically no grain, also tried out the texture for soles and heel cups.
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now THAT is some classy looking material!!

Glad you think its looking good as well mate, unfortunately i just noticed my back screen protector on my phone was on so it doesn't look as good in the photo :(

The EL panel will be here any day though(hopefully your buckles and cups as well) just want to make sure the buckles and cups are not touching due to my pattern for the upper being incorrect, if it all works out though i think i will have these shoes done pretty much a week or two after i get the V2's (just got to dye the soles red, mid soles painted and insert the EL)

Everything else is done and sourced.

Update red el panel arrived, pic of it on and off.
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WOW that el looks too good! Are you sure youre not just photoshopping that? :lol But seriously thats quite a deep red color!
Haha! No I used insignia red spray paint on the panel, as the red el panels from HK/china are more of a pink colour, impressed you noticed :D

Quick update - sprayed the 1st coat of plastic bonding primer to the buckles and cups for tomorrow's prep. Also a pic of my led setup, not sure if I will keep the foam over the rows of LEDs :confused

It's different and separates the brightness so you can see each led perfectly and looks similar to the RD's just obviously I have less resources Ect but best I could come up with, would love to know what you all think, I can remove it now easy but later..not so easy :p
Thats just too cool Rich!!! Seeing something I made in the hands of a mag master! WOW the leds looks awesome and they FIT! THEY FIT! YES HAHAHAHAH So you should now have 100% confidence in your blueprint abilities my friend!
WOW, that is just amazing man, thanks for letting me work on these for you. Ths is so cool! ( Yea I know... this post seems like Im speechless and extremely stoked....because I AM!)
Have you put them on the shoe yet just to see what they will look like? If you get a chance could you snap a quick pic for me when you have the time?
As for the foam, I would say use your judgment and look at it with and without them and see what you think looks best or you could even take comparison pictures to post here for opinions form others also.
looks great so far cant wait!

Thanks, I have next week off work so stay tuned for allot more pics ;)

Thats just too cool Rich!!! Seeing something I made in the hands of a mag master! WOW the leds looks awesome and they FIT! THEY FIT! YES HAHAHAHAH So you should now have 100% confidence in your blueprint abilities my friend!
WOW, that is just amazing man, thanks for letting me work on these for you. Ths is so cool! ( Yea I know... this post seems like Im speechless and extremely stoked....because I AM!)
Have you put them on the shoe yet just to see what they will look like? If you get a chance could you snap a quick pic for me when you have the time?
As for the foam, I would say use your judgment and look at it with and without them and see what you think looks best or you could even take comparison pictures to post here for opinions form others also.

I can't thank you enough, it still amazes me how we worked out the dimensions/angles/thicknesses of the bubbles and they fit like a glove on the led board.
The position of the cups and buckles on my pattern is bang on, massive boost to getting these done in time for when the v2 soles arrive, can't wait to rip them apart >.<
I can't thank you enough, it still amazes me how we worked out the dimensions/angles/thicknesses of the bubbles and they fit like a glove on the led board.
The position of the cups and buckles on my pattern is bang on, massive boost to getting these done in time for when the v2 soles arrive, can't wait to rip them apart >.<

The power of the internet at its best! Great to hear everything fits like a glove!
Haha I forgot how much number tossing we did to make sure they fit properly!
If anyone wants the clear bubbles, I still have my push mold and thermoplastic to make a few more.
And FYI to anyone who does want to buy them - there positioned for 3mm LEDs in rows of four and each under row starts on the 3rd LED from the above row(just like rd mags)
Durable and have a slight frost to them naturally and the shape is a great resemblance to the real thing.
Ye I think black fabric, off black leatherette(strap,tongues,cuffs) then Schwartz grey buckle and cups, cups textured using stone finish spray paint then Schwartz grey on top then black paint splatter, black mag lettering and red nike lettering.

As the rd mags have white tick, strap and cup lettering I will keep it the same I think.

Fingers crossed it works out!!

What is your thoughts Cavx?
Ye I think black fabric, off black leatherette(strap,tongues,cuffs) then Schwartz grey buckle and cups, cups textured using stone finish spray paint then Schwartz grey on top then black paint splatter, black mag lettering and red nike lettering.

As the rd mags have white tick, strap and cup lettering I will keep it the same I think.

Fingers crossed it works out!!

What is your thoughts Cavx?

I think the different shades of grey will actually compliment each other. I would have thought that perhaps you would lose the definition using all dark colours and probably why NIKE mixed grey with white, but no, I think this will work.

Sorry, what colour SWOOSH?

Just be careful with the red NIKE on the Heel Cup. You don't want it looking like the black/red V1 MAG.

I too want to do a black MAG, but with green for a MATRIX theme with NEO on the strap.
The swoosh will be red, ye those v1's had red nike but I think this scheme will be different and should pull it off, if not I can change it another colour like (dark grey maybe)

If your doing them just becareful when the panel arrives that it doesn't light up as expected and be ready to spray it green to make it the colour you want.

Only accurate colour so far is the original aqua for the mags. My red el panel was pink.

They sound awesome I hope you make them :)
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