Bigturc's Tie Bomber thread

I appreciate that guys!

Anal? Yeah, I know! :lol I was about to start ordering Aoshima kits like Jeff Herne suggested over in Marvin's thread just to compare the barrels but I think the Rodney is good enough, if not perfect. Speaking of which, anyone have any extra barrels (like 12) for sale?

As for the rod size. Yeah, I had been thinking about my statement (them being 1mm) which led me to further investigate. I think it is about 75% the size of the dimple. I'll need to measure that later.

We're close though. Once we finalize this, it's all a matter of making all the edges match and moving on! :)

Thanks Joe. Incidentally, as I'm sure many of you have, I bought the blu-ray collection and was checking out the supplemental material. I was really disappointed they didn't include the TB in the archives.
They seem to not have included what we're the most interested in .. and so I thought they were watching us! They should have known! ;)
When I went to the latest SW exhibit here in Chicago about a year ago, I took a lot of pictures, especially models. I will have to sort through them when I get home and see if I got any of the TB.
TB pictures?!?

Nobody seems to have any .. the infamous ones that we all have are soo crappy .. they must have been taken with a 1MP camera in 1997!!!

I'd love to have better shots.
On a side note, I've been sketching what I think the pattern is for each rods on each outer wings. I'll try to revise it and do it clean, than post them here so that they can be shared.

With the pics I have, there's a few things I'm not sure so I'm sure you guys will correct me!
Yeah I took so many pictures at the exhibit I had to offload them onto my home computer to have any memory left. I will see what I have and if there turn out to be TB ones, I will post them.
Alright, I made some card stock test extensions and I think my eyes are playing tricks on me!

I've scrutinized many pics and keep coming up with 8mm all the way around, give or a take a tiny bit in some areas due to the originals being hand scribed. 8mm on the top and bottom edges looks correct. However, to the eye, the sides look too narrow.

I made a set with 8mm on top and 9mm on the sides, this looks better but disagrees with the reference at hand!

I think I need to stick all the greeblies on to make sure. So, I'm gonna guess that .025 - .030 (roughly .75mm) would be in the ballpark for the rod. I'll have to order some to be sure.

Joe .. got my 0.030" rods and I think it looks pretty good .. I don't have photoshop so my comp is pretty basic .. couldn't even rotate the damn layer .. stupid Windows Paint! Proportions are just temporary .. I gotta cut down on the length of the A6 and lower the rod closer to the wings! This image was just to show the proportions between the A6 and the plastruct rods.

<MR-30 - MR-35 - original>

On another note, I have about 11mm of extension on mine .. let's say I would use your original inner trench line as a cut line to get them smaller, that would exactly remove 2 mm from the extensions .. which would be more in line with our conclusions .. BUT, I'm still not convince that visually it'll give the proper result ..

Now, to install those rods now ...
Does anyone know if the greeblies on the DV Tie parts were also there originally on the left wing? In all the ref pics I have, they're always absent and I don't see any sign of glue/no paint that would indicate they were ever there ... I decided to put them for symmetry's sake .. but I'd prefer to be closer to the original SS ..


Anyone ^^^?
As for the rods. I'll have to order some MR-30's and check on the newly cut extensions. It's hard to gauge, these tiny parts really screw with your eyes! And, like I mentioned, even the extensions cut from the "proper" measurements look off. However, all my new measurements yell 8mm sticking out past the wing.

Do any of the Tie Bomber pros out there have any input?

Crap .. I meant the Junyo cubes on the DV cap .. not the actual rods added to the extensions .. my bad!
Those cubes can be seen on the front and back side of the right side wing while they're just not there on the right side. Did they just fall off?
I also realized my Cockpit tube parts we glued on crooked. I'm not sure how I can have done that but oh well, I need to unglue them now. Hopefully, my panel lines are fine .. if they're not, centering the chassis on the tube will make the parts sit crooked on the lines which is not better.

Love this ship, too bad about the crooked parts, i'm sure it won't look too noticable once the front is in place. Wondering how come you notched the top and bottom Leo parts tho?

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