Best All-Time Making Of & Behind the Scenes?


Sr Member

Television, movies, whatever: What are the GREATEST ALL TIME Making Of's and Behind the Scenes ever released on DVD?

My wife purchased me the Epic Lord of the Rings sets with the 900000 hours of Making of and Behind the Scenes. That's one of my all time favorites.

I was wondering what everyones thoughts were on other amazing Behind the Scenes and Making Of's?

What's your two cents? And WHY Do you love it?

I will listen to any commentary on any movie, as I love process. The five-disk Blade Runner is hard to beat. That last version of 2001 with the doc is pretty cool.

But I love the Escape From New York and Resident Evil commentaries, because you can tell everyone just kicked open some beers (or what-have-you) and started rapping about what they love. How is that enthusiasm not infectious?
I've always loved the special features included with the Robert Rodriguez movies. The special features for the recently released Santa Sangre are really awesome. I'm not sure I have a favorite. I have hundreds of discs I've never watched the special features to.
OOOOOOOOOOH Good thread, my collection needs expansion...

My favorites (no particular order) have to be:

All of the LOTR extended editions (even my girlfriend pretty much knows the entire staff of Weta by name, face, OR voice alone just off of how many times I've put this set on while working or napping)
the Alien Quadrilogy box set (Endless hours of bonus stuff, all of it awesome, and some great reference for any possible Alien project you might wanna do. Top notch)
The Ultimate Matrix set
the Star Wars OT has a good special features disc on all 3 movies
the Star Wars PT DVDs all have hours upon hours upon hours of stuff
the Indiana Jones trilogy set has a crazy amount of special features, although, obviously, not a huuuuuuuuuuuge amount of SFX stuff in there. Mostly locations and character footage
The Thing (awesome making-of doc and the Kurt Russel/John Carpenter commentary is hilarious)
All of Robert Rodriguez' movies (I'm actually making the cochinita pibil from his "10 Minute Cooking School" on Once Upon A Time In Mexico for a party at my dad's house this weekend. I've gotten quite good at it after watching that feature and writing everything down and just making the thing a few times)
Underworld (first one, I don't have the others)
The Blade Trilogy
Both Hellboy DVDs have good making-of docs
The Mist (There's a couple of making-of docs, a bunch of short webisodes, a feature on Drew Struzan, and Frank Darabont is just so much fun to listen to)
All 3 Spider-Man DVDs have some good stuff on them, although weirdly the worst movie has the best features
Whenever I put on Terminator 2, Jurassic Park is always sure to follow. They're great companions that reference each other a lot because they're the big two in the start of the digital revolution.
Batman Begins has good stuff on it, although the features on most of Chris Nolan's movies are always a bit slim as I think he likes keeping things close to the chest. The Dark Knight DVD was a huge disappointment for me.
Iron Man has some great features on it. Iron Man 2 does not.
Predator has pretty awesome making-of so I'm thinking of trying to get the second one if it has as much good stuff on it as the first.

More to come as I think of them but those are really the top of my list ones that get replayed a lot except the Indiana Jones set. I don't own that one but we Netflixed it a while ago before the new movie came out.
In addition the the ones already mentioned, there is a wonderful behind the scenes doc with Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid.
I loved The Making Of Star Wars as a kid, a real eye opener for a twelve year old. I still love watching it.
Within a Minute really gave me insight into films, not just the glamor stuff but the accountants and caterers as well. Made the whole mystifying thing seem real. And it was very, very thorough!

But for pure geek out I like Dark Days (I think it's called--from Blade Runner).

I love making of and behind the scenes stuff!
...The five-disk Blade Runner is hard to beat. That last version of 2001 with the doc is pretty cool.....

Are you talking about "Dangerous Days" the making of Blade Runner?

That is a very long doc but it is so good, almost impossible to stop watching once you start, if you love the move making process. I havent seen another move making doc that comes close.
While not exactly a "making of", I love the dueling commentaries on all three of the Matrix movies: two critics who hated the movies, and two philosophers who loved them.
Are you talking about "Dangerous Days" the making of Blade Runner?

That is a very long doc but it is so good, almost impossible to stop watching once you start, if you love the move making process. I havent seen another move making doc that comes close.

DANGEROUS Days, thank you!
The commentary on This is Spinal tap rules! It is done by the band in character!

As for Making of, the Exorcist. Really goes into the grueling filming and how big of an Ass Hat Blatty was to get the shots he wanted!
The stuff on the Indy DVD set is pretty great, but I'm surprised nobody has mentioned Lost in La Mancha yet.

If you haven't heard of it, check it out, it was to be the "behind the scenes" of a Terry Gilliam directed, starring Johnny Depp adaptation of Do Quixote, but chaos ensues.....