Bengrim's Darth Vader reveal project

OMG the linkages on the side's are tad tough to get right
There are plenty of pictures around to see how intricate they are and many pics of scratch built ones all separate but don't look the same as the original screen ones ( try and try again )
Anybody know what machine they originally came from ? Would love to reverse engineer a couple
Does anybody know the actual size of the top disc please PM me
I'm trying to get my parts cut and finished one at a time as I've to many bits on the go and don't want to confuse my " laser cousin " he is easily flustered, bless him !!
Remember the piano keys and the flat angled piece that lay at the side of the smaller key from pictures earlier, well it didn't look right so I've had it remade and it looks 100% better.
No 1 is now fired. No 2 is now hired.
Got a bit of time on my hands in the evenings so an hour here and there won't go a miss
cheers Kroenen

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cheers Kurtyboy much appreciated
Got my lower jaw teeth back cut them at 2mm thickness and I think job done on them little puppies :)
BTW, the screw on the collar was plastic painted silver.

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Oh wait, I didn't realise you had covered up all the dimensions so what do I check?
I'm loving this, seeing it slowly coming on is very rewarding and it gets better, I've decided to buy another lathe after my other was destroyed in a garage fire where I used to store and use it ( let's go shopping ) :D
Got a bit of time on my hands in the evenings so an hour here and there won't go a miss
cheers Kroenen

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cheers Kurtyboy much appreciated

All the time will be spent on cutting / filling / sanding again and again and again on my mask as its a piece of bantha fodder !
You will always see something at the mask that is not correct.This mask is one of the most difficult to build props of all time.
Thanks Kroenen I really am looking forward to chopping filling and sanding my mask
The mask is a bit of a mess actually, looking at all the other builds they started of 100% better than mine is now, bought it of *bay about 4 years ago on an impulse thinking this will be easy ( boy was I wrong ) looking at what you and other builders have done to the better masks mine is going to be a complete rip apart and rebuild.
Post some pics of the process.I think we could help you a little bit.;)
Did you seen Marcus work on his very bad Ketzer Cast?He made a very great job.
Didn't know they were plastic
They look metal it's a good paint job
Going to get one made and just see how it looks, can't hurt or am I over thinking it and being a plum ?
I've been following Markus and his build on his ketzer mask and he is the one of the reasons I've started my build he and others are very inspiring but I'm sure my mask is much worse than that but I really love a challenge I will post picks of what I have and all that I do to it feedback will be greatly appreciated
Cheers kroenen