Batman Returns Selina Kyle (FINISHED P.13)CON pics p.15 and p.16 unzombified

Re: My Selina Kyle, Batman Returns style

Best Catwoman costume to date. Awesome work Error!
Re: My Selina Kyle, Batman Returns style

Nice job is the suit leather? and you know Catwoman will be in the next Batman movie "The Dark Knight Rises, it will be interesting to see in which direction they go with her costume.
Re: My Selina Kyle, Batman Returns style

I know my suit is not 100% perfect and my bodytype is way off but I had tons of fun making it even in such a short period of time .... my build also probably does not belong here I seen the awesome amazing builds on this website and it is the reason I joined stuff people

Yeah, I'm gonna just have to disagree on that. I'd say you make that look pretty stunning.

For many folks, making a costume that fits their body type is a challenge. I mean, a 5'8" Darth Vader or 300 pound Superman is not particularly impressive even if the costumes are otherwise "accurate," y'know? Half the battle is how you wear the character vs. how you wear the costume.

But based on those pics, I'm fairly confident you could get away with just about anything you wanted. :lol Your Catwoman really is very nice in my opinion.
Re: My Selina Kyle, Batman Returns style

It came out great, and love the zombie catwoman pics. Your Mileena pic looks great too. Any other shots of that?
Re: My Selina Kyle, Batman Returns style

woah thanks so much everybody ...and nope halle berry... she was never catwoman does not exist in complete denial ... hahah thanks everyone for appreciating my suit ... i still feel kinda dumb for posting when you guys are busting your asses making mando armor , storm trooper helmets ...giant mech body suits ... i seen a few iron man suits floating around over here ..ACCURATE ONES ... no way in hell i'd seriously lay down and give up yeah i really appreciate the posts up here thanks a lot everyone when this dies down a bit ill post some of the other things i made and possibly some of the stuff i need help with , this is really the place to be for insight ... talk to everyone soon
Re: My Selina Kyle, Batman Returns style

I normally don't care for Catwoman, but I have to say yours looks great and you look amazing in it, better than Michele Pfeiffer (sp?) I hear Anne Hathaway is playing her in the new Batman movie.
Re: My Selina Kyle, Batman Returns style

WOW! Great pics and congratulations on the Catwoman's looks fantastic! And I totally agree that you look better than Michelle in it too....well done.
Re: My Selina Kyle, Batman Returns style

Great work on the costume. Gotta agree with what others have said look like you walked right out of the comic to me too. You are Catwoman.
Re: My Selina Kyle, Batman Returns style

I'm pleasantly surprised by this thread. Normally threads like these involve nerdy fanboys telling an attractive female how much they love their costume, and how amazing it is in the hopes that they have a chance with her...even though the costume sucks.

This thread has all of that, plus some always-necessary hilarious comments, BUT the costume is actually really good, and you wear it well.

You definitely have the body for it, unlike me. :lol

Any thoughts on possibly upgrading it, maybe either making it more screen accurate or more your own? If so, what would you add, change, remove?

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