Batman Returns Selina Kyle (FINISHED P.13)CON pics p.15 and p.16 unzombified

Re: My Selina Kyle, Batman Returns style

thank you very much ! yes i seem to have an epiphany every five seconds lol but one suit i really want to make is femme mandolorian armor , although its been done i just really want my own suit , im in love with boba fett ! I was also thinking of making a dune jumpsuit ... i really loved dune ... no one would really get it now a days lol

Holy, good god you look great in that Catwoman outfit. Your design is a thousand times better than the film one and you are much hotter than Michelle Peiffer (No idea how to spell her last name).

Wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :eek :eek :eek

I say this as a happily married man but holy good god again!!!!!!!!!!!

And on top of that you have a thing for Boba fett. Wow.

Be ready for some marriage proposals from this place.,

Great work.

Re: My Selina Kyle, Batman Returns style

I know from experience that this can be a really tough suit to work on. I helped a friend with hers at one point. You did a great job and looks like you had a great time in it too which is just as important! Nicely done :)
Re: My Selina Kyle, Batman Returns style

lol thanks guys .. i think the toughest part of this suit was when i was obnoxiously tired and had the suit on my lap while i was working on something else , i normally have limited tools when i make things ... tools like ...a tooth brush ... a knife , my teeth an old mug handle , you get the idea haha , and with my trusty knife i actually busted the crotch area of the suit , it was not even a normal slice it was a damn ..X like slice , for some reason it took the longest time to reinforce ! .... it was actually a bit after i made this video for a costuming thread i was a part of a while back

YouTube - ‪makin a catwoman costume kinda sideways...‬‏
Re: My Selina Kyle, Batman Returns style

Very cool! Alway one of my faves. Hands down the hottest incarnation of Catwoman.

Funny how Pfeiffer was covered head to toe in PVC and Halle Berry was barely covered, yet Pfeiffer's catwoman was a billion times sexier... I guess it's that whole leaving soemthing to the imagination thing.
That and the attitude.
Re: My Selina Kyle, Batman Returns style

i read perma bangings ... they will take turns with you , you know george is here? i seent it