Bacta War X wing - Wedge - BanDai 1/72 X wing


New Member
Hello Folks! First of all, please forgive my bad english. I'm a Hungarian.

Here is another idea. teher was a books series called X wing. At the 4th book, Wedge, and the Rouge Squadron leave the Rebell Aliance, and they made som undercover missions, like some pirates. They repainted their X wings, like the pirates.

From the book;

I've also had Zraii switch my Identify Friend/Foe beacon over to an old Alderaanian code—the one from the Another Chance, in fact. Individualizing the paint and switching our IFF codes to those of our home planets provides further evidence that we're not a New Republic unit."
Wedge chewed his lower lip for a moment. Makes sense, all of it. And the fighters do look a bit more, ah, ferocious with the new paint jobs. "I like it, Tycho, but I don't know what to do with mine. Corran's got the CorSec green, but he's earned it."
"How about a dark blue, with red stripes up the sides?"
"Corellian Bloodstripes?" Wedge chuckled. "I never was in the Corellian
Military, so I never earned Bloodstripes. Han Solo wears them on his trousers because he went to the Imperial Academy and won them through his bravery."
"Oh, and you've not been equally brave?"
"That's open to debate, but the fact is I've never been sufficiently military to earn them." He smiled slowly.
"Make everything from the cockpit back black, including the S-foils, and give me a green-and-gold check pattern on the front fuselage."
Tycho's eyes narrowed. "I don't recognize the color scheme."
"No reason you should." Wedge hesitated for a second. "Back when my parents operated a fueling station at Gus Treta, my father was saving up to buy the station and start his own chain. The green, gold, and black were going to be the colors he used for the logo and the uniforms. Your colors tie you back to your home, Corran's do the same thing for him, and I imagine the same is true for everyone else. Mine will tie me to the home I should have had."

"I'll put the order in immediately."

Michael A. Stackpole
Star Wars X-Wing book 4 - The Bacta War

The kit is BanDai 1/72 X wing.

First steps;


Chipping and oil work.

The main color, befor the black. Vallejo 71.119 on panzergrey primer.

Few more steps.

Primed. Masking with PlayDoh ... :D I have to do this, because the main color will be mettalic black.


And the plan

The base primed

the main coat. But not the last color on it.

And the wings ... Not finished. Vallejo mettalic black.
I finshed the cockpit, and there was a quick assembling. Yes, I know, Wedge, is not in the orange siut. There was a few place in the book when the writer wrote; grey uniform. Thats wha I chose this colors. I used Vallejo Game Color.

And this is the plan. There will be the book cover and some book pages on the stand (of course reprinted)
First welcome to the community :D.

Second - it sounds wonderful... but the pictures are not working for me at this time - it might be my connection while I'm at work... Happy building.

Jedi Dade
This is a true test of what we love about the traditional X-Wing...

Is it more so the ship design...? Or is it the paint and finish work of ILM?

Personally I can't wait to see this finished and see how it looks in a new and different finish!
Hanging out to see the checkers!! Can't wait!!
I really enjoyed the X-Wing series of books and imagined what the re-painted ships would look like. Now this..........woo, hoo!
As You wish Mylord!


This is the 4th try. I demolished many time, till I found the best way.


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this will be te last post befor the Model Show. I have a lot of work to do, befor I going to the show. I have only one day. Next time I'll show you the end results.

Gold is on! The new Vallejo Metal Color Gold. Easy, fast dry, love it!
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