Back to the Future Trilogy Bluray $25

Thanks for the heads up! Just made the purchase with the car, also been searching for this one at a good price, outstanding deal!
Got my set from Amazon.

FORCED 16:9 Viewing. No letterbox.

Is that correct for Back to the Future or should we be getting 2.35:1?
Got my set from Amazon.

FORCED 16:9 Viewing. No letterbox.

Is that correct for Back to the Future or should we be getting 2.35:1?


I've given up trying to make sense on what aspect ratio even means to me as a home viewer, on my Vizio 48 inch LCD. I'd prefer NOT to have letterbox bars, but not at the expense of a cropped picture. That's not too much to ask, is it?
I just thought we were past all that. Letterboxed is better.

16:9 certainly makes it a little less dramatic and if indeed it does not impact a significant portion of the film, okay, no sweat. Like the Godfather movies. Coppola shot everything in the middle so it wouldn't get lost on TV.

I just want what was shot by the Director, DoP and Cameraman.
Check best buy as well, I don't know if you have to pay shipping on amazon, but if you have a best buy near you they are selling for 25 per this weeks ad (I am in Mass. it may vary)
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