Back to the Future 3 question


Well-Known Member
Was watching BTTF3 with my son last night and it suddenly hit me. When Marty brings the Delorean back to 1885 and rips the fuel line, then later blows the fuel intake manifold off, why would this really be a problem? Didn't Doc also have a time machine back in 1885? He did go back to 1885 from 1955 in the 2nd movie and walled that time machine up in the old mine. Why didn't they just get some gas from the time machine Doc went back in? I know, the movie would have ended a lot sooner then.
I had thought of this before... however, if the doc were going to preserve a car for 70 years, he would have had to have drained all of the fluids. That's also the reason he removed the tires. So since Marty went back in time after he had already put the DeLorean in the cave.
I had thought of this before... however, if the doc were going to preserve a car for 70 years, he would have had to have drained all of the fluids. That's also the reason he removed the tires. So since Marty went back in time after he had already put the DeLorean in the cave.

True... but with Doc being a Scientist, and a crafty person, he would have surely saved the gasoline he drained as well as the other liquids. He would have figured, since there wouldn't be a gas station til the next century, it might just be a handy thing to have for an experiment or something.

Truth being, you can find many holes and alternative solutions in the film if you really look. You just need to ignore them and enjoy it for the wonderful film trilogy it is:lol
I guess theoretically the Delorean in 1885 that was walled in would disapper as soon as Marty came back to 1885 with it. Since they are the same Delorean they couldn't exist in the time space. This is the same reason that theoretically Marty and Doc shouldn't be able to be in the same time/space as themselves.

The part when Doc hands himself a wrench always freaks me out. I had always understood that IF you went back in time and came in contact with yourself, the time space continuum would cease to exist.

OH, and's just a movie. ;)
I guess theoretically the Delorean in 1885 that was walled in would disapper as soon as Marty came back to 1885 with it. Since they are the same Delorean they couldn't exist in the time space.

But in Part 2 when they go back to the 1950's both deloreons are there in 1955.

But yes... it is just a movie and one of the best!!!
True... but with Doc being a Scientist, and a crafty person, he would have surely saved the gasoline he drained as well as the other liquids. He would have figured, since there wouldn't be a gas station til the next century, it might just be a handy thing to have for an experiment or something.

Truth being, you can find many holes and alternative solutions in the film if you really look. You just need to ignore them and enjoy it for the wonderful film trilogy it is:lol

Ah, but being the scientist he is, he might not want to leave around any chemicals that were not available at the time. Should they fall in the wrong hands, if something were to happen to him, he could disrupt the course of his own past.

Either way, since he did not mention having any, we can only assume that he did not have any.

I mean honestly, it would have also made sense if instead of going back to 1885, Marty went back a couple of hours and stopped the time machine from getting hit by lightning in the first place. But how do you make a whole movie about that?
i mean honestly, it would have also made sense if instead of going back to 1885, marty went back a couple of hours and stopped the time machine from getting hit by lightning in the first place. But how do you make a whole movie about that?

There are logic questions here and fanboy excuses.

Doc would NEVER go mess with the DeLorean he left in the Delgado Mine as "the way he left it" was what allowed Marty to travel back to where he is now. If doc messed with what is already done, he could create a problem with Marty getting back in time with the exact DeLorean he traveled in as any messing with it would alter it. paradox possibility.

We could ask "didn't Doc save the gasoline he drained from the DeLorean he put in the mine when draining the fluids? that fanboy excuse I mentioned is he has ued it already. He DID create a ginormous machine to create a couple of simple ice cubes for his iced tea. Chances are he has used up an gasoline he had by now.

The DeLorean in 1885 would NOT have disappeared when Marty traveled back to 1885. It is there in the Delgado Mine. And it will be until 1955 when he and Doc unearth it. there are a few times when there are multiple DeLoreans at once.
There are logic questions here and fanboy excuses.

Doc would NEVER go mess with the DeLorean he left in the Delgado Mine as "the way he left it" was what allowed Marty to travel back to where he is now. If doc messed with what is already done, he could create a problem with Marty getting back in time with the exact DeLorean he traveled in as any messing with it would alter it. paradox possibility.

We could ask "didn't Doc save the gasoline he drained from the DeLorean he put in the mine when draining the fluids? that fanboy excuse I mentioned is he has ued it already. He DID create a ginormous machine to create a couple of simple ice cubes for his iced tea. Chances are he has used up an gasoline he had by now.

The DeLorean in 1885 would NOT have disappeared when Marty traveled back to 1885. It is there in the Delgado Mine. And it will be until 1955 when he and Doc unearth it. there are a few times when there are multiple DeLoreans at once.

like I said, if we really pick it apart, we can see numerous holes in the plot and story where they could have just "did this or that" and problem solved.... And yes, there are Fanboy answers to them all..... After all, this is the RPF :lol

This is a fun film and should not be over analyzed. It is entertaining and that is all that matters :lol
And multiple people.

Obviously, the doc's theory about what would happen if two people from different time periods met was incorrect. I mean, he hadn't traveled through time yet.
I'm guessing you guy forget that the Timemachine that Doc uses before being hit by lightning is not powered by Gasoline but by Mr fusion (he did say he rebuild it in 2015) and i believe they don't use gasoline in 2015.
The 1955 Doc gets instructions on how to rebuild it back to a gasoline car with 1955 parts.

Thats how i see it.
gasoline also goes bad with time and turns into varnish. so unless he had some STA-BIL laying around in 1885, he knew the gas would be rotten before it was used
I'm guessing you guy forget that the Timemachine that Doc uses before being hit by lightning is not powered by Gasoline but by Mr fusion (he did say he rebuild it in 2015) and i believe they don't use gasoline in 2015.
The 1955 Doc gets instructions on how to rebuild it back to a gasoline car with 1955 parts.

Thats how i see it.

No he explains it in BTTF1. No no this thing is electrical. I need the plutonium to kick out the 1.1 gigowatts. He also explains Mr. fusion replaced the plutonium and the DeLorean alway has been run on simple gasoline, always has.
Tampering with the car would not allow Marty to leave 1955 so Doc must have prepped it for longtime storage most likely draining all fluids. It was covered and on blocks the tires eroded and why they put the white walls in 1955. I could be wrong about Mr. Fusion but it IS a movie and a fun one at that.
Which makes me wonder why he didn't make it an all electric car in the first place, if they have Mr. Fusions and hover Technology I really doubt there are any gas stations left in the future, they would be pointless.
The strange thing is that Part 1 implies the Delorean is completely electrical - both in the dialouge and the car itself. It's only the Foley sound effects which thow a monkey wrench into that idea.

Marty specifically asked if it ran on Unleaded. Doc replied that no, this sucker is electrical and runs on the Plutonium.

The Delorean itself didn't have tail pipes in the film. They were cut off and redirected by Filmtrix because the car was SUPPOSED to be electrical, therefore you wouldn't techincally have tailpipes since Doc replaced the engine.

As I mentioned earlier, the Sound Effects guys mess that all up by giving the car the V8/Turbine sound effects.

The "runs on oridinary gasoline" line is from Part III and both sequels has a TON of writing/plot cheats which I've always felt took away from the first film. This thing with the Delorean was one of them.

On the other hand, one could argue that Doc had created one of the first Gas/Electric Hybrid all the way back in 1985 :)
To add drama and tension and add for an exciting twist that may not make sense. Remember... they really don't make sense chronologically... as they are all over the place.
If he was worried about altering Marty's ability to maintain the space-time continuum and stay in 1885, then all Doc had to do when they dug it up for fuel (If the lines weren't bled) is augment the instructions that were given to his future/past self to include "Oh and if you wouldn't mind, would you fill it up with premium unleaded?"

But then the movie would have been over in all of 15 minutes and where's the fun in that? You need some jeopardy in a movie after all.

Watched the first one yesterday...

Marty uses money from 1985 to pay for a telephone and "something without sugar" his coffee. Surely someone might notice the tender over the next 30 years and be a tad bit confused.