B Wing Helmet and Chest Casting

Wow, great reference pics. Thanks for posting! At the very least they give someone excellent references to sculpt one.
I don't think that's a chin cup. All the images show just a uncupped strap. I think it may be a piece intended to cover the seam on the back. I've seen some pics of a finished screen used piece taken in the archive and I remember something along those lines.

You're right, it's not a chin cup.


It definitely looks like it was meant for straps though. Time for me to do some research!
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Yeah i couldnt see a chin strap either.

Maybe it was going to have one originally?

Doesnt look too comfortable as a chin cup
I can't find anything that looks like that part. I have found a reference for an oxygen mask with the helmet. The clearest one is an action figure, but it's still not the right part:


I wonder if it's an X-Wing helmet part that wound it's way in??